Chapter 21

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When we were out of the airport, we approached a long looking car that was right at the curb, there was a man in a suit wearing a small looking cap on his head, "Welcome home Mr

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When we were out of the airport, we approached a long looking car that was right at the curb, there was a man in a suit wearing a small looking cap on his head, "Welcome home Mr. And Mrs. King, glad to see your flight arrived safely." He opened the door he was standing by, and I could see a long looking bench then a row like a normal car. Josh handed the bag he was carrying to the guy, "Thank you Patrick, everything go okay while we were gone?" "Yes, yes everything was great, no problems."

Abbie handed me over to Josh, then slid into the car, I was handed back to Abbie once she was sitting in the car, "Alright I need to put you in the car seat baby, I promise you will be fine, and Josh and I will be sitting right next to you." I looked at her, then looked at the car seat, it looked just like the last one they had put me in, I gave a small nod while I brought teddy up to my face. Abbie let out a soft sigh, "Thank you Cali, I promise you, you will be fine, it's for your safety because you're so small."

Abbie put me in the car seat, then started doing up all the buckles, I sat still, clutching teddy closely, I saw Josh climb into the car, "You alright Cali?" I just stared at him, I understood I needed to sit in this car seat, but I was not happy about it all, I didn't like the confinement I felt when I was strapped in.

"We're going home baby, you can meet my wife, Gabby and Abbie's husband Jordan, they love you already baby girl." I just looked at him wide-eyed, was I ready to meet other people? Was I ready to meet more people who could possibly hurt me? I hugged teddy, I felt like if he was a breathing thing, I would have made him pop I was squeezing him so tight. "Cali, Baby? Can you take a deep breath for me?" I took a big breath, "Good girl, I promise you baby they are going to love you, they've even spent the last 2 weeks creating the perfect bedroom for you, you're going to love it." The car started moving suddenly and I jumped staring at Abbie with wide eyes, "It's okay Cali, we are heading home, the only way to get there is to ride in the car. Look I'll turn on a video for you to watch so that you don't focus on the moving of the car as much." Abbie pulled something out of her pocket, then stared down at it for a moment while she was taping something on it, she smiled then handed it to me, "Here's my phone baby, let me know if you don't like the show, I can change it." I grabbed the I guess that was a phone from her, seeing what it was playing, it seemed to be some colorful show with I think horses in it.

I was so engrossed in the show that I tuned out what Josh and Abbie were talking about. Before I knew it the phone was being taken from my hands, I reached for the phone that Abbie was putting back in her pocket, "I know baby, I'll let you watch more later, but look we are home." I looked out the window at a giant house, I'd never seen a house that was that big. My eyes widened and I looked at Josh, then pointed to the house, "Haha yes baby, that's where we live, it's also where you will be living now, you can call it home." Home, something I had never called any of the places that I had previously been stuck in.

Abbie reached over me, and I instinctively flinched, "Shh it's okay Cali, I'm just undoing your buckles so we can check out the house and see your pretty new room." I grabbed teddy tightly when Abbie reached over to grab me out of the car seat. Josh climbed out of the car and Abbie handed me over to Josh while she climbed out. "Hi sweetheart, let's go check out the house and see Gabby and Jordan." Josh walked up the stairs that were right in front of us with Abbie trailing behind us. He opened the door and my mouth dropped open, this place looked like a museum, I was gonna live here? I was shocked, I had never been in a place this nice, and I thought the hotel was the nicest place I would ever see. Josh laughed "I take it you like it Cali? This is your new home baby."

Josh and Abbie walked into the room and Abbie turned around to shut the door, as she turned around, I saw from the corner of my eye, a woman and a man come from one of the rooms off to the left, "Oh my gosh you're finally home!" The woman that approached exclaimed, I turned my head into Josh's shoulder and brought teddy up to cover my face. "Oh my gosh is that her?! She's adorable" "Hey, chill out Gabby, you're scaring her." "Aww, I'm sorry Josh she's just so cute." Josh reached over and gave a hug to Gabby, "I'm going to take her upstairs so that I can change her and show her, her room, then we can give her a small tour before we sit down to eat. I know I'm exhausted and I am sure Abbie is too."

I looked over Josh's shoulder to Abbie and she was in the arms of the man that had come in with Gabby, I'm pretty sure that was her husband Jordan they kept talking about in the car. Abbie seemed to give a small nod when Josh mentioned being tired. Josh started walking up the stairs that were right in front of us, there was two different staircases and I was wondering where the other one went to, I pointed to it when Josh started going up the first set, "oh that goes the same place we are going, look if you follow the stair line you can see they both end up at the top of the landing right there." I nodded my head, yeah, I could see that now that he pointed it out to me.

Josh looked over his shoulder, "You put her next to our room didn't you Gabby?" I looked over to Gabby and she started laughing, "Yes Josh she's to the right of our room." Josh gave one nod of his head then continued climbing the stairs , he turned to the right when he got to the top then started down a long hallway, he stopped in front of door that was fairly close to the end "Alright Cali, this is Gabby's and my room, if you ever need anything when its night time you are more than welcome to come in, and this room right here is yours , Abbie's and Jordan's is down the other hallway." He opened the door, and I looked wide eye into the room, this room was mine? It looked like it was a room fit for royalty and I was not royalty.

There was a table right inside the door that was really tall, it had something that looked soft on top of it with small bars to the side, as my eyes looked further into the room I noticed a huge bed along the far wall, it had stairs and a slide, looked awesome, I really wanted to go down the slide but wasn't sure if I was allowed, there was a play tent in the corner of the room with stuffed animals all around, a pretend kitchen, I knew it was real, there was no way that it was a real kitchen that I could actually reach. There was a small kiddie table with two chairs next to the kitchen and then a strange looking small house with I think they were called dolls in it.

The table I had seen when the door was first opened is where Josh headed, he laid me down on it, He smiled down at me, "I'm going to change your diaper then we can check out your room a little bit more, before we go tour a little more, then we will eat dinner okay?" I nodded my head absently, I wasn't really sure what he was saying I was focused on everything in the room, I heard footsteps coming into the room, "Did she like it?" I heard Abbie's voice, I turned to look at her while I was laying on the table, I noticed her, Gabby and Jordan as well, there were all standing right in the doorway watching me. I pointed to the room then turned to look at Abbie while I pointed at myself. "Yes, baby girl that's all for you, we made it up for you, hoping that you will feel comfortable here baby."

Once Josh had changed me, he sat me up, i looked around the room in awe, I can't believe someone actually cared enough about me to make a room just for me. Josh picked me up, then set me down on the ground, I clutched teddy close to my chest and looked up at Josh. "Go on Baby check out your new room, you can do whatever you want in here, go down the slide, play with the kitchen, play with the dollhouse, color a pretty picture on your table there." I looked back at the room, then made my way over to the tent in the corner of the room, i crawled into the tent and then sat down on my bottom turning out to look at the group of adults that were watching my every move. 

I tried to make it longer for you all! 

Hope you enjoyed the latest update! 

They are finally home! 

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