Chapter 57

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Mommy helped me find the most awesomest outfit for panda, it was a pretty blue princess dress with a little tiara and a wand! Mommy even let me get some shoes for her. Once we had dressed her, the nice lady led us over to a computer and told me I needed to name her. I thought long and hard but decided to name her Cotton Candy, I got to try that stuff the other day and it was so sweet and yummy. Once we were done, the nice lady took us up to the counter and brought out a box, "So we have a little Condo for your new friend, shall we set her in it and see how she likes it?" I looked at the lady, then the box, then Cotton Candy, I slowly nodded, we would give it a try, Cotton Candy was afraid it would be scary, but there were windows and a door so it shouldn't be dark. I handed Cotton Candy over to the nice lady and she set her in the box, Mommy must have been super duper fast because she was done paying by the time Cotton Candy was set in her new home. "Alright little one, do you want to carry your new friend, or do you want me to carry her, and you can just hold my hand?" I tilted my head at mommy, um tough decision. After much debate I let Mommy carry her, and I held mommy's hand, I kept looking over at Cotton Candy though to make sure she was okay.

Once we got to the car, Mommy buckled me in my car seat and then grabbed Cotton Candy for me and handed her to me, she set her new condo on the floor of the car so that we wouldn't lose it. Mommy gave me a kiss on the forehead and shut the door. Once she was in the driver's seat, she turned to look at me, "Alright on to the second location of the day, you are going to love this place Baby." I tilted my head at her, "Where we go Mommy?" She smiled back at me, "You will see Baby, it will take us fifteen minutes to get there."

I was so busy talking to Cotton Candy about all the fun we were going to have, and how I had to introduce her to all my other friends at home and how they were going to all have so much fun together that I didn't even notice the car stop. Mommy opened my door and I jumped, "Mommy Scary!" "Aw, I'm sorry little one, I didn't mean to scare you, we are at the next stop for Mommy and Cali's fun day though, don't you want to go see where we are?" I nodded and started wiggling trying to get out of my seat. Mommy laughed, "Alright little one, hold on, let me unbuckle you." Mommy let me hold onto Cotton Candy and started walking towards a pretty little cottage, it had a little teapot sign outside, but I couldn't tell what it said, but I was excited to go anywhere with Mommy!

Mommy opened up the door and there was a lady waiting right on the other side. "Hi, Welcome to Miss Lottie's tea parlor, Table for 2?" Mommy nodded, "Yes please, I also had a reservation under King." "Oh, yes, right this way Mrs. King." The lady grabbed something and then started walking away from us, Mommy followed her, I looked around in awe, there were pretty little teapots everywhere and it was really quiet, there were only a couple of other people in this place, it looked like all Mommies and daughters though.

The lady stopped at a table and set down what she was carrying, "I hope this table is okay for you Mrs. King, would you like a highchair or booster for the little one?" "Oh no, thank you, we will be fine." Mommy set me down on the bench and sat down next to me. "Just let us know if you need one, your waitress will be out shortly." "Thank you." The lady left and I looked over at Mommy, "Tea?" "Yes, good job baby, we are going to have teatime today, I thought it would be nice for us to have some quiet time where we weren't trying to do so much in one day."

Mommy was looking at the menu and I was given a little menu that was a coloring page, I set Cotton Candy down next to me and picked up the red crayon and started coloring. "Hi Welcome to Miss Lottie's tea Parlor, my name's Colleen and I'll be taking care of you both today, what can I get started for you Mrs. King?" "Hello Colleen, I will have the English Breakfast tea, and can we get an Apple juice for the little one?" "Of course, and would you like me to go ahead and put in for some tea sandwich's as well?" "Oh yes please, that would be great, and can we go ahead and order the desert platter as well?" "Oh of course, Mrs. King, I'll go ahead and put this in for you and will be back shortly with your drinks."

I am not done with this chapter, and was hoping to finish it before I posted, but I had to go to the eye doctor today and they dilated my eyes, so I guess Mommy's Day out is going to be 3 chapters..... works out for you guys though cause it means the book is going to be that much longer :) 

Hope this brightens your day and you have a great week! :) 

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