Chapter 50

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The next morning, I woke up and could hear a loud pounding sound coming from outside, I dragged myself out of bed and pulled back one of the curtains by my window, it was pouring, how was I going to go have a day with Mama if it was raining? I let the curtain go and turned around to go use the bathroom, as I was making my way to the door, my bedroom door opened, and Mama came in. "Oh, Good morning, Cali, I didn't think you would be awake yet." I looked up at her, then pointed towards the window, "Rain" She smiled at me, "Yes it's raining Baby, but it's okay, I had planned for a little back-up in case we couldn't go where I wanted to take you, maybe we will do that with all of us." I nodded and pointed towards the bathroom, "Do you need to go potty Cali?" I nodded and then started walking faster to the bathroom, why is it that when someone asks you, you suddenly have to go even more?

Once I had gone potty, I washed my hands, then headed back out to my room, Mama was going through my drawers and pulling out random clothes. I giggled and looked up at her. Mama turned around and smiled at me, "I'm trying to find you the perfect outfit for today, little lady, now come here, so we can change you, you need a pull-up and some, day clothes." I nodded and walked towards her, "Pull-up?" "Yeah, a pull-up, I don't want to diaper you, because I bet you are a big girl and will tell me when you need to go potty, but I don't want you to have an accident either if you're wearing big girl underwear, what do you think?" I nodded, that sounded reasonable, I guess I would be okay wearing a pull-up, Mama picked me up and set me down on my changing table.

I was quickly changed, and Mama dressed me, she put me in a little yellow dress with polka dots, then stuck little white socks, and black shoes on me. She sat me up, "Alright little one, let me do your hair, then we will find a cute jacket for you to wear in case you get cold, then we can eat some breakfast and head out for our fun filled day." I nodded and Mama picked up my brush and put my hair in two pigtails. She picked me up and walked over to my closet, she rifled through then pulled out a jean jacket, "What do you think?" I nodded and smiled at her, she nodded back at me, "Alright let's go eat breakfast, then we will head out."

As soon as we were done eating, Mama came and got me out of my seat, "Let's go have fun Babygirl." Mommy came over and wiped my face and I whined, "Oh, you're fine, you just had some egg on your face." She gave me a kiss on the top of my head. "Alright, you have lots of fun with Mama, can't wait to hear about all the fun you had when your back." I nodded my head and pointed towards the door, "Yeah we are heading out now, sweetie, don't worry." Mama walked over to a door I hadn't been through yet and when she opened it, there were so many cars in there! I pointed to all the cars and Mama laughed, "Yeah we have a lot of cars, don't we?" I nodded and stuck my fingers in my mouth, Mama tutted at me, and pulled my fingers out, she pulled a paci from her pocket and stuck it in my mouth, "Let's not put our fingers in our mouth today, Babygirl." I nodded and Mama walked to one of the cars, she opened the backseat and stuck me in the car seat, it wasn't the one I normally sat in, but this one was comfortable as well.

"Let's go have lots of fun Baby. You are going to have a blast, I know it." She gave me a kiss on my forehead, then shut the door and walked over to the driver's side, she climbed in and smiled at me from the mirror. Mama started the car, and pushed a button on the remote looking thing, the big door opened, and Mama started driving the car through it. As soon as we got outside the rain started hitting the car and I whimpered and suckled my paci a little harder, I didn't really like being outside in the rain, it made me anxious. "Shh, it's alright Cali, the rain can't get you in the car, we will be at our destination for fun today in no time, and you won't even notice the rain once we get inside."

Mama drove for what felt like forever but was probably only like 20 minutes if that. She pulled into a parking lot that was covered and parked, she opened her door, and got out, she opened my door and pulled up the bag that always ended up wherever I was, I hadn't even noticed it had come with us. She reached over and unbuckled me, then set me on my feet, right outside the car door, I could hear the rain, and I clutched onto Mama's shirt. "It's alright Cali, I promise the rain can't get you right now." I nodded and tried to bury my face in her pants. She laughed, but shut the car door and picked me up, she settled me on her hip, and I immediately buried my face in her neck. She patted my back, but started walking, she walked through some sliding doors, and the rain noise stopped! I brought my head up and looked around in awe, the room we were standing in was brightly colored and had some cartoon characters on the walls, I had only recently started watching cartoons, and knew a few of the characters, like Winnie the Pooh and My little Pony were some of my favorites!

I jumped when I heard a voice, "Hello, Welcome to Little kids' town! Just the two of you today?" Mama nodded, "Yeah just us, had to change the plans with the rain and all today." "Oh, totally understand that we are actually really quiet today considering the rain outside, thought we would have been busier." "That is strange, but good for her, she doesn't really do well in crowds anyways." "Aww, that's okay, so which room would you like to go in today? The toddlers or the big kids?" Mama looked down at me, and patted my back, I looked up at her and smiled, she turned to the lady again, "I think we better stick to the toddler room today." "Oh, of course, alright so one toddler for the toddler room, and one adult, that will be twenty dollars, and if you like the place and want to start bringing her more often, you can buy a season pass for fifty dollars, you can think about it, and if you want to get it, just let me know on the way out and we can roll the price for today into it as well." "Okay, thank you so much, I will see how she does today while we are here." Mama handed the lady a card, and then smiled down at me, "You ready to go play Cali?" I nodded as the lady handed Mama back her card, "Alright, you are all set, just head down this hallway to the left, that's the toddler wing, we have bathrooms, changing rooms to the left side of the hallway and to the right is the play area, and the food court." "Thank you, have a good day." Mama started walking towards the left hallway, and I could hear some voices, I got nervous and clutched Mama's shirt and suckled my paci a little harder again. Mama patted my back and shushed me. She opened a door, and the noises grew louder, she walked over somewhere, and sat down, I kept my face buried. "Hi, can the baby come play with us?" I heard a little voice ask. "Hi, little one, she is a little nervous right now, can you give her a little bit to warm up to everything going on and I can send her in your direction when she feels comfortable to come play?" "Okay" the voice replied, then giggling going away from us.

Mama tried to get me to turn around and I just whimpered and held on tighter. Eventually the noises in the room didn't seem as loud, and I peeked out from Mama's neck, there was a giant playground inside! I gasped and looked up at Mama, she smiled at me, "There's my good girl, doesn't this place look fun?" I nodded and tried to wiggle myself down from Mama's lap. "Hold on, little one, I need you to give me Paci, so we don't lose it, and I need to tell you a few rules, okay?" I took Paci out of my mouth and looked up at Mama, "Alright, don't go anywhere you can't see me, if you anyone makes you feel nervous or scared you come back to me, and I want you to have fun and make some new friends okay?" I nodded and reached my hand up to give her Paci, she took it, then gave me a kiss on the top of my head. "Alright, the little girl over there, wanted to play with you earlier, do you want to go see if she will play now with you?" I nodded and waved to Mama; I was going to have so much fun!

This chapter was getting long, so decided to split Mama's Day out into 2 chapters.

Already at Chapter 50 everyone! 

I can't thank you all enough for reading my story, you all keep me wanting to write more!

Also just entered into the Wattys guys! no idea what's going to happen, but excited anyways.

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