Chapter 40

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I was bounced slightly, "Don't go to sleep little one." I whimpered and clutched her shirt. The waiter came over and I heard talking but I wasn't really paying attention to what they were talking about, I wanted to cuddle with my mommy and sleep. After the waiter walked away, I was shaken again, I started crying I just wanted to lay my head on mommy, what was so hard about that? "Shh, poor baby." "Abbie, I know you only just started those pills, but do you want to see if she will calm down if she nurses for a little bit?"

"I can try, but I don't know how she will feel if there's nothing there for her. Can someone grab me a blanket from the diaper bag?" I heard rustling around and then my blanket was passed to Abbie, she unbuttoned her shirt then draped the blanket over my head and tossed the corner over her shoulder, she tucked her bra up over her chest, then guided my head to her boob. "Come on Babygirl, latch on." She reached her other hand under the blanket and stuck her finger in my mouth, helping me find a good latch. "There you go, good girl." She peeked at me and smiled, "Is that better, honey?" I blinked my eyes at her and sniffled, my tears were slowly stopping. Once I had calmed down a bit, I noticed Abbie was patting my bottom and I realized that I didn't mind suckling on her boob, there was a sort of calmness coming over me and I wasn't thinking about my cheek and how bad it hurt.

"Hey Babygirl, the food is here, do you want to eat a little bit for mommy?" I unlatched from her and looked up at her, she was peeking at me from under the blanket. I nodded and reached up for the blanket, "Hold on baby, let me adjust myself before I flash the whole restaurant." She reached under and adjusted the bra, then pulled her shirt back across, she removed the blanket from my head, I was sat up on her lap and I looked towards the table, there was a lot of food sitting there, I was that zoned out that I didn't even notice when it got delivered? Abbie adjusted me so that I was still sitting on her lap but so I was facing the table. "Alright, let's see what we have here Babygirl, do you want to try some Mac and cheese?" She reached over and grabbed a little plate and then grabbed a bowl of noodles covered in cheese sauce, I looked at it, then nodded, it looked good, I'd try it. "Okay, some mac and cheese, and what about some fries, and a little bit of chicken?" She put a couple of spoonful's of the cheese noodles on the plate, and when I nodded for some fries and chicken, she swiped some fries from Jordan's plate, who gasped in shock "You stole my food, Babe." "It's for the baby, just a few Hun." then cut a little piece of the chicken on her plate and stuck it on the little plate. "Alright, here's some food for you to try, if you want some more, or you want to try something else you see, that you think you want to try, you let me know, okay?" I nodded and grabbed a fry sticking in my mouth and chewing, it was a really good fry, I did my happy dance in Abbie's lap. I heard laughing and I looked up, Gabby was laughing at me, how rude! "I'm sorry Sweetie, you're just so cute." I stared at her for a minute then nodded, I guess it was okay that she was laughing.

When we were all done eating, I may or may not have taken something from everyone's plate, there was only one thing that I didn't like and it was this long green thing on Josh's plate I had eaten a bite of it, but then had tried to put it back on his plate, but I had been told if I didn't like it to just leave it on my plate, I turned around in Abbie's lap and cuddled up against her. She started patting my back, "Are you nice and full now Cali?" I nodded and murmured "Mommy" Abbie kissed the top of my head "Sweet girl" was whispered to me and I tightened my hand around her shirt that I was clutching.

"Alright, everyone, let's head home, it's been an exhausting day for us all, and Cali's pretty much already asleep." I shook my head, but couldn't be bothered to lift my head up to see who was talking although it sounded like Josh. I heard laughter "Was that a no you're not tired, or no you don't want to go home?" I just shrugged my shoulders and closed my eyes. I didn't want to go home and I wasn't tired at all. I was just going to rest my eyes for a little bit.  

I felt Abbie walking, then I was placed down, I cried out and reached my arms out, I was missing the warmth of Abbie, I heard someone shushing me and teddy being put in my arms, then something was stuck in my mouth which I started suckling, and a blanket was tucked in with me, I felt warmer, wasn't as good as Abbie holding me, but I quieted down anyway. I heard a few doors shut, then some whispering and we started moving, I started suckling harder, but I didn't want to open my eyes to see what was going on. I must have slept for a little bit, because I heard the doors opening and shutting again, and then I think it was Jordan say, "Do you want me to grab her and take her upstairs?" and Abbie responding back, "I think I had better grab her, if she wakes up and it's not me, she may freak out." "Good idea, we will have to work on her being comfortable with all of us though." Abbie hummed at that, and I felt myself being lifted up, I whimpered and was shushed and felt someone start rocking me. I quieted down and snuggled into the warm body that was carrying me.   

Happy Memorial Day to my U.S. readers, remember all those who have served for us and sacrificed for us to be where we are today.

Hope you all are having a great day! Happy Monday! 

hope you all love the update! Thank you for taking the time to read my story, you are the best ever!  

Also was anyone else surprised Abbie started dry-nursing Cali in the restaurant? No? Just me? well then :) 

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