Chapter 7

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This chapter is posted for @nightinmylight thank you for reading and commenting! 

Once I made it through the doors I was gasping for breath and my whole body felt on fire but I knew I couldn't stop. I didn't slow down until I was around the corner from the hospital, I knew I wasn't going to be able to stay in this area for too long, I somehow doubted Angie wouldn't be looking for me in the morning.

I wandered all night long, didn't know where I was but I was hoping I was far enough away that no one would be looking for me. I'd rather be on my own than with someone else who beat me, I had always thought it was normal before he allowed me to attend school last year, seeing everyone else I knew it wasn't normal but there was no reason for me to bring attention to myself. When the teachers would call home for any reason it was always a worse beating that night, so I always tried my hardest to stay out of the eye sight of the teachers and do my best to not have a reason to call him. But I was free now, I smiled so wide my face hurt, I started laughing and a few people stopped to look at me. I quickly stopped laughing and ran again.

I ran straight into a park; it was the best place for me to be right now. Hopefully no one would notice a small little girl like me, right? It was the perfect place, wide open grass fields that I could see lots of people on, chasing each other, sitting down in the grass and eating, Some woods that looked kind of scary on one side of the fields. The other side of the park had an amazing looking playground, I could see swings and a huge jungle gym, as well as some picnic tables that had tons of people hanging around with kids running all around.

I smelled something yummy and followed my nose to one of the picnic tables, all the food made my eyes bug out I'd never seen that much food at once before. Thankfully there was no one around but the food was calling me. I swiped a little bag of chips and what looked like a hot dog, on my way sneaking from the table I saw some water so I grabbed a bottle of water as well, it was hard to juggle the food in my hands the water and my teddy but I couldn't let go of teddy he was the only constant in my life right now.

I made my way around the edges of the park and found a tree by the edge of the woods that no one was around so I could eat my food. Plopping my butt down, I set teddy next to me and turned towards my hot dog. I ate my hot dog while looking all around, everyone looked so happy and care free, laughing and running around, how I wish I could enjoy my life like that but didn't seem to be in the cards for me, I knew I was doomed for a life of hardship ever since I could walk all I knew was pain.

All too soon my hot dog was gone and I knew I needed to save my bag of chips for later who knew when I would find food again. Grabbing my water, teddy and my chips I slowly stood, now that I wasn't in the hospital, I could feel every bruise. Looking around I wasn't too sure where to go now but I knew I couldn't just stand there; I could see people staring at me already and I suddenly realized I was still wearing the white dress and the diaper from before. I blushed and hung my head; I decided that I should head over to the playground and hopefully people would just assume I was with someone there.

I crawled up the stairs of the playground and crawled into a tunnel, hoping none of the adults would see me in here and question why I was alone. If I could just hide here until everyone left, then hopefully I could find somewhere to sleep for the night.

As night fell the adults started calling out to the kids that were playing and they were slowly leaving. I noticed on one of the benches that there seemed to be a purple bag left behind, hopefully there was at least a shirt or jacket in it so I could cover this dress so people wouldn't stare as much at me. As I saw the last group leave with the last 2 kids in tow I slowly climbed out of the tunnel and made my way down the stairs of the playground.

I walked over to the bag and slowly undid the zipper opening it up I sighed in relief, there was a whole outfit in here, as well as what looked like diapers but they didn't have the little sticky things on the side that the one I was wearing did, I knew I needed to get it off so hopefully the ones I found fit me. I slid my chips and bottle of water into the bag and picking the bag up, it was a little heavy but I could manage. I headed over to the bathrooms I noticed on the way into the park and slid into one of the stalls. I took off the dress and threw it in the trash and then ripped off the tabs on the diaper and pulled that off me too. I cleaned myself up as best as I could, then rummaged through the bag and pulled out the diaper thing sliding my feet into and pulling it up I breathed out a big sigh, it fit me yay. I was feeling so lucky right now, I don't think I'd had so much luck in my life before. I dug back into the bag and found a pretty pink shirt with a rainbow on it and some denim shorts, and to top off my luck I found some shoes and socks in the very bottom of the bag as well as some snacks and a cup with a lid on it filled with water, guess I knew why the bag was so heavy now.  

Hopefully I can write and post another chapter tomorrow as well! 

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