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My name is Raven Lee Feather, I know how cliche. I am here with a tail. A story I have to tell. One that not a single soul has heard. So please take a seat and listen well to what I'm about to tell. For it has to do with everyone, including you.

Most stories have a good ending. Although just so you know mine does not.

Very long ago I lived with my family in our caravan. Were gypsies you see and we traveled around the world in our buggies and carts. Showing people our amazing gifts of magic and mysteries some more then most.

My own family, the ones that I have been birthed into, a lot like none have ever seen.

My mother was a women of few words. She was graceful as she was beautiful. When she spoke it was something worth hearing. She could read anyone like they had told her their life's story. She also could see parts of the future. She was the crown jewel to me. A women that I had hoped I'd turn out to be just like. Even though the world had other plans.

My father was the opposite of my mother in almost every way. He was intimidating with the way he carried himself but he was kind at heart, he could tame any wild beast. He was a steady platform to stand on when I was young.

My sister as fair as she was wild always causing trouble for us, she could charm any man or women into doing anything she wanted. We were thick as thieves us two.

Last is me and we'll I'm the one with the gift that sets me apart in my family and our whole caravan. I'm the one that has both the mystery and magic, or as some say the cursed one.

I am considered the untold one that I'm to take my own path when I reach the age of twenty one and that was only a few moons away or on your terms a few months. This is the story I've come to tell you so listen close because I'll only tell it once.

The Story Of Raven Lee *watttys2019* A Vampire Fae novelWhere stories live. Discover now