Chapter 18

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I follow Raven's trail closely. My gut twists at her new smell, when all of a sudden she trail drops off into nothing. I allow my animal half, my wolverine self, out to try to catch it again.

I dig the ground hard with my powerful paws in frustration.

"Where are you girl?!" I growl between my sharp fangs.

I start to pace back and forth till I find a familiar scent floating on the breez. I turn to that smell and charge.

Behind the tree where I peak into the small campsite I see the red head women that travels with Deliverance.

"Jackpot." I whisper under my breath. I watch the red head play with fire for a while then she suddenly stands.

She pulls off her clothes and then she turns into a stunning Red Tail Fox. She runs to the waters edge and sits watching the water. Before I know it she shoots her paw into the water and out comes a huge Bass. It lands on the bank where she picks it up in her jaws and takes it to the fire. She does this a few more times before turning back into her human form.

Naked she guts the fish with skill using a odd blade of wind with an jewled earth handel. then lays them on hot stones in the fire. She stands again and bows first the dead fish then the lake.

"Thank you for the bounty of our feast tonight. Your death won't be in vain." she then turns and walks into the lake. At head level she dives under the serface.

"What an odd thing to do." I sigh and make a bed in the leaves. "Ima be here for a while it seems." I grumble and lay down.


I watch Ray and feel my insides become ice. The evil smile she has makes me aware of just how dangerous she really is.

"My animal side is that of dragon." I hear her deep voices comes from up high but still very clear.

She decends on me before I can do anything. On instinct I push off the ground. Muscles in my back move oddly as I'm pushed higher. I hear the loud beat of wings next to my ears.

"What the hell?!" I look to my sides and see the huge raven black wings coming from my shoulder blades. They are so huge they are easily ten foot span from wing tip to wing tip.

As I look at my wings completely forgetting where I am I'm hit by a scaled fist to the jaw. I'm snapped back to reality as I taste blood. Another fist flies and I'm hit in the eye, my ears ring. Ray laughs at me in a very dark way.

"Come on Raven. Fight back. Fight back or your daddy stays in your place." I watch her swing at me again. Hitting me dead in the nose. A loud crack is heard and blood pours. My head becomes dizzy everything a blur as she hits me blow after blow.

My hands grip into tight fists. My nails bite into my palms making bloody half moons. My anger rising as I watch Raven take a beating.

"Master. She can't take much more! RAY WILL KILL HER! MASTER!" Saber stands beside me still as stone. A look I've never seen is on his face a deadly glow shines in his eyes.

"Trust in Raven, Deliverance, she has her mothers fighting spirit inside her and if she is anything like me she learns through pain and experience." His voice is dead cold but I see his energy fighting to stay controlled. Much like my own.

I watch Raven take hit after hit. Blood covers her face her eyes glassy and dead like. My panther side fights to stay inside wanting to protect her. I can't hold back my pain no longer.


"Fight back! DAMN YOU FIGHT BACK!" I hear Ray yell at me. Anger and hurt welling up inside her making her voice horse. I cant bring myself to much care.

Then I hear Dev. My world turns upside down at his painful cry. I try to focus but all I see is red. Then a fist.

"Your weak and pathetic just like your mother! That worthless woman took my baby brother from me! You took my brother from me! You and that women took everything from me! My dream home! My lover! My daughter! Not to mitchen that no good mate of yours! He is just as worthless as your mother! He too took my brother!" her words hit me hard drawing me from my pain. With a very quick movement I grab her slider neck. My anger rising at a speed that frightens even me.

"You ungrateful bitch! You think you've got it bad! I have always been the outcaste! I have always been looked down on and feared! I knew I'd never be able to stay where I wanted. I had to leave my whole family and everything I've ever known! I had to be thrown into a world I thought I was ready for! I had to leave the only people in the world who loved me for me! I had to find out that I have another dad! I had to tell my sister that she could not come with me! I had to tell my best friend the first person I ever fell in love with goodbye! Our first kiss was our last and final kiss! I was taken by Arson the man who is trying to do something terrible to the world and suffered some of his and Rose's wrath!" I tighten my grip so hard she fights for breath.

Sharp claws extended from my finger tips. They cut into her flesh even through the armor scales that cover her. With one great shove I toss her into the ice wall behind her.

"You still have everyone you love with you! You didn't have to really leave your home behind you've had it with you the whole time! Your lover is still with you! Your daughter still with you! My father only left because he had a bond with Dev's mother before he even knew what he was. He left when he found his mate! My mother! You were the one that rejected her! And rejected me!" She watches me dumb struck.

"So next time you wanna talk of who has had things taken think about who your talking to first!" With that said I fly straight into her grab her by the hair and sling her to the other wall. She slides down it slowly.

I close my wing and fall to the ground but land with grace.

"As for my Mother Saber and Dev. Don't ever insult them. They are the keys to my creation. My soul reasons for living in this hell of a world is them." I say this with utter clam I see Ray cringe away from me. I walk to her a power opens inside me and I call it forth.

Shiney golds, vibrant greens, deep blues and bright silvers glow from around me. I pull them all to me and an odd symbol appears on the ground under my feet.

The symbol looks to be made of blood. The Raven in the center turns to look at me. Odd ruins glow every color around the bird then then a joyful pain shoots into me. The Raven moves from the symbol on to my skin. It travels to my right bycep forming a tattoo of sort.

'Now finish her.' Comes a soft womens voice and somehow I know its the Raven. I nod my head and release all the energy I gathered. All the anger and pain leaves with it. It forms the shape of huge raven. Its feathers shine with all the colors of the elements. Its shadow covers the whole ice room. It looks at me with white eyes before it decends upon Ray in a flash if blinding white light.

She screams a scream that makes it sound painful. Then only silence. A echoing silence.

The Story Of Raven Lee *watttys2019* A Vampire Fae novelWhere stories live. Discover now