Chapter 27

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"So. How do you intend to recover your mate My Queen?" Ray bows softly to me and Fayra leans her head on my shoulder.

My eyes keep looking into the water spear. The image of the future me has me so focused the image I find stops changing. My eyes I see are hard and my expression cold. The crown on my head made of Iron, Silver and Glass clash with my raven black hair. I wear the armor that came from the chest and weapons sit within hands reach around a throne that looks to be pulled from the earth.

A small gasp pulls my eyes away from the spear and I look at Ray. Her eyes are behind me. I turn and see Slade. Her tunic has been torn to give the healers access to her wound which has been wrapped in spider silk. Her silver eyes hold her smoldering rage her firy hair moves like a living flame.

"Were getting him back." Is all she says as she sits beside me.

"Show her your respect! She is a queen!" Slade turns her molten silver eyes on Ray.

"I know damn well what she is. She isn't just your queen but mine as well. But unlike you I have fought for her and by her side." I touch her shoulder and she instantly relaxed. Ray's eyes are huge as she looks to me to Slade.

"Slade is my chosen first hand since my father, I'm sure, is still with the healers. She shows me her respect in a very different way. A way that is very much similar to that of my gyspi heritage. Slade beems at me having to have said the right thing.

"Very well My Queen. Shall we set out to make plans to rescue the captive?"

"You mean rescue our King." Slade snips in making Ray turn red in the face.

"Yes. But first have the Iron works come clean The Scared Place Of Prayer. I dont want my subjects to be harmed from the excess of my healing." I stand and I feel a small hand take mine. Fayra gives me a fanged smile her wolf ears twitching to the left.

"Come little one. Lets get you back to the palace. I hear the cooks have baked sweets!" She giggles and takes off.

"Ill take Slade to visit Saber then we shall meet in the war room." Ray follows her daughter with a deep bow.

I started towards the entrance Slade in front. I stop as I'm about to leave, the spear catching my eyes again.

"I hope I don't have that look in the future." I leave it behind and walk to the palace. The Fea gather along the roads and bow softly asking how I am. I tell them all I'm fine. Some even ask of Dev and I reassure them I'm to being him home. They all beam at me and smile.

Finally entering the palace I walk to guards.
"Show me to Lord Saber." With a full body salute they lead the way.

"You seem to know how to take charge." Slade watches me with a look of awe.

"If I'm to be queen, take back all the land Arson has taken, Free our people and human kind alike, along with free Dev I need to take charge. I need to be a leader. Not just any leader a strong leader."

"Well your already making that progress." I jump having just realized the guard has opened the door to a room. The room holds no interest as I see Saber is laying a bed.

His skin tone is a ash color. His normally bright odd eyes are dull. He looks so thin, his cheek bones show my heart akes.

"Do not freat Raven. I have looked worse believe it or not." He laughs softly his voice sounding dry. He holds out his hands to me and I charge into the room and hold him tight.

"Will you really be alright?!" I ask into his shoulder.

"Yes I will. Iron just takes a toll on Fae kind. Very few can withstand it on their skin let alone in their body. You saved my life Raven. I felt you inside me healing me. Taking away the Iron. I'll forever be grateful for that but at the same time that was a very big risk! You could have died!" He grabs my shoulders tightly despite looking so weak.

"I don't know what had saved you but I'm happy it did. I couldn't lose you and your mother." He touches the moonstone hanging around my neck.

"I think it was Clover. I taken forth to be pressed for judgment." Clover moves across my skin to shoulder drawing Saber's eye.

"You've bonded." He takes in her white raven form and the black clover on her back.

"What did you give in return?" His eyes bore into mine. I look away sadly.

"My first child. I had to chose it or Dev. It will become the living vessel for Clover when she returns to be a goddess again." Saber lifts my chin and nods.

"They are never easy choices but they have to be made. And it seems Clover here has your best intrest at heart. She has chosen your child to be her next living cell. That's a very high and rare honor." His smile is sad but understanding.

"So! Saber you have any idea of how to help us plan to save Dev?" Slade walks in breaking the thick atmosphere.

"I do actually. Bring in the royal guard. We need to send out scouts. Its time to plan what to do."

After two hours of getting the guard to file in and then tell them their jobs and what locations to do said job I head to the War Room.

I push a grumbling Saber into the room on an odd chair with wheels, that is from the future, and is called a wheelchair.

"I could have walked." I hear him mutter under his breath and a laugh tries to escape me but I cough it off.

Slade lays out a map and marks Arson's location. Slowly makering where each guard was sent to do recon. She looks to me and nods.

"Soldier your report." A guard bows then slowly speaks.

"My Queen, Arson is taking pensioners left and right. By the hundreds. Fae, human, vampire, werekind. It doesnt seem to matter." At this news my blood boils hotter. A growl leaves me making the solider jump.

"There..there is more My Queen." he studders his brow shows a shean of sweat. I wave for him to continue. "He is even slipping through time and taking them." At his words me and Saber share a look. The room becomes heated as my and Saber's fire elements rise.

"We need to act fast. This is getting dangerous. Very dangerous!" The small Fae, that has taken a liking to me since I opened the chest, bounces on my shoulder. Her actions shows she agrees.

The Story Of Raven Lee *watttys2019* A Vampire Fae novelWhere stories live. Discover now