Chapter 29

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I sling the doors to the war room open and see a startled maid that lets out a small scream.

"I need Lord Saber and First Caption Slade brought to me now if you please." She nods and scurries off quickly.

I take this time to walk to the table that holds a huge map on its surface. I lean over it and take in the valleys. I touch it and it becomes 3D. I take this moment of solace to look at the placement of Arson's castle. I see its Iron Gates, easily meant to keep out Fea. I look to its towers and see no access to the windows.

"Maybe I can fly." I talk to myself as I look more at the map. I then see it a white barrier around the castle. "A protection spear? That's odd for some one such as him." I take it in more and see its not a very strong one at least it cant stay up all the time, almost like the caster is getting weak from the use of it.

"What have you found Raven?!" I hear Slade and Saber shout at the same time as the doors are thrown open. Saber supporting himself heavily on a large cane hobbles to the 3D table and takes in the map.

"That's new. The map has never does this before." he takes in the Castle then looks to me waiting.

"I believe I have found a way to talk to Dev." Slade jumps and runs to my side.

"HOW!?" her fiery curls bounces around her head as she lands with a solid thump.

"Our link." I look to Saber and see his eyes slant at me.

"Yes I know its extremely dangerous but it has to be done. I sorry Saber but I must do what I can." his odd eyes watch mine for so long I brace myself for his argument but I'm surprised what he does instead.

He leans over and takes my hands in his. A sad soft smile spreads across his face.

"A mind just like your Mama's" at his words the moonstone around my neck burns slightly and I look down to see it glowing and then I feel her warmth.

"Alright Ima try it now. I just have to focus on him." I grab hold of the moonstone in my fist.

"That wont be to hard I'm sure." I hear Slade's words but as if from a distance.

"Dev? Dev are you there?"  I feel a warmth that I know all to well. I smile softly as everything fades away as I hear his voice.


"Raven!"  I hear her soft whisper next to my ear almost as if she is next to me. I open my eyes and look around only seeing the cell and Allena. I feel a soft push and smile as I realize she has reached out her mind to mine. I grab onto the link and hold it tight. I feel her warmth as if her arms are wrapping around me.

"Raven this is dangerous. He could find you. We must cut our link now before he gets you."  I hear her laugh in my head and my heart flips.

"He already has found me. He actually challenged me to come and get you."  her voice I notice is different. Stronger more confidant. "Witch I am. So help me I will not lose you too."  Her words confuse me and I look around at Allena. Her sleeping form next to mine wrapped in the blankets I gave her. I feel Raven pick up on my thoughts and I feel a heat that's not a loving one but one of burning rage.

"GIVE ME YOUR SIGHT!"  I think of the odd request.

"Raven I can't we can't do that." I hear her growl then all of a sudden my sight is gone and instead of the dark cell I see Slade and Saber looking at me. Or more of that of Raven. I'm seeing form her eyes. I watch their lips move but I can't her them but I know that they know its me. I jester that I cant understand them. They nod understanding but still stare at me as if Raven has sprouted fins.


I blink as my world goes dark and I see a cell. Bars are all around me and then I look down and notice I'm not me but Dev. His body is covered in wounds and I feel my insides turn in rage. They will pay for what they have done. I then remember why I wanted to take Dev's sight.

 I look around and notice Dev's body isn't alone. Curled up under some blankets is the sleeping form of a women. Beautiful red hair leads to a face I know all to well. My chest gets tight and I reach out with Dev's hand and move the blanket. I see scraps and scares on her fair skin. She turns and looks at me and I hear her breath catch.

"Your eyes! Their like Raven's. Well sort of." she looks into my eyes and I smile at her and I see tears swim in her olive green eyes. Eyes that I've missed so much and eyes I never thought I'd see again.

"It is you! But but how?" she throws herself at me and hugs me tight. I brush her hair from her face and as she leans back I wave by to her. She shakes her head and pounds on Dev's chest with her small fists.

"Dev. I'm giving your sight back." I feel the pull of my own body and I open my eyes to see  worried and confused faces of Slade and Saber.

"What the hell did you do Raven?! There was a strong power surge and then Dev was with us. He was in your body. His eyes where in the place of yours. He couldn't speak but he could move. What did you do?" Saber looks at me in a way I find I don't like.

"I don't know what I did but it didn't hurt us. I believe it didn't hurt us because I had no ill intent or it might have been our bond. I don't know either way, but I did find out something and I'm far from happy about it." I look at them both their fear of what I did slowly leaves and is replaced with curiosity.

"They have Allena. I wont rest till I free her as well." I jump when a fist hits the table cracking it. Slade's eyes glow a molten silver a rage I've never seen form her takes over her.


"Yes. She is my family and she means very much to me." I nod my understanding as finally piece together why she seemed so familiar and I find that my face gets hot. Really hot.  Clearing my throat I focus back on the map.

"Dev I need your help. I need you give me all the info you know of that castle and I want you to keep Allena safe. I never meant for her to be dragged into this."  a sound from Saber and he looks at me with a resolved looked.

"I'll need everything you know about the castle as well Saber." I state as I relay to them everything Dev tells me. Saber nods and starts to add points that Dev leaves out or doesn't know.

The Story Of Raven Lee *watttys2019* A Vampire Fae novelWhere stories live. Discover now