Chapter 20

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I fight the urge to scream at all the fussing over me the Fae do as I'm laid down in the massive bed that could hold five people. They tried to make Dev leave but with one cold look from me they stopped.

I answer all their questions and let them do their test that seem to take so long.

Finally they leave having been satisfied that I'll heal in record time. They insist I be seen by the royal healer for a quicker heal time though. I sigh laying my head back on the huge pillows.

"This is so strange Dev." I look around the huge room barely taking in the room itself. He sits on the side of the bed taking my hand. I weave our fingers together taking in comfort.

"They just don't understand that what we are heals very quickly. Even wounds as bad as yours" he kisses my fingers softly. I sigh knowing its true.

The deep gashes around my middle are proof of that. They are now shallow wounds that are closing as I lay here. I feel them stiching back together, the feeling much like something is pulling my skin and pinching me repeatedly.

My face isn't as swollen or bruised either. My nose is back in place which hurt as the bones moved to reform it.

My lip on the other hand has only one deep gash left. Which will take longer to heal because I keep biting it ripping it right back open. A nervous habit I've had since childhood.

I divert my attention back to something else other then my wounds. Dev lays beside me still holding tight to my hand.

The bed I notice is even more grand then just the size. The mohogeny wood frame holds the bed up and makes a beautiful canopy of silky silver curtains. The head and foot board are marked with beautiful carvings of ivy and lillys. The curtains are open at the moment so I can clearly see the room beyond.

I start to actually take in the room and gasp at the size of everything. A huge vanity takes up a good porchen of a wall. The wood is solid Mohogney the colors of deep red match the huge bed I lay in. Its top littered with many fancy things for hair that shine and sparkle drawing the eye. Many more things are on its top as well, many of which I have no idea what they are. The mirror looks to be made of frosted ice with a clear reflective surface. Beside it sets a desk of such made of the same wood but with such beauty I want to sit at it and draw like mama taught me. I quickly turn away as I think of her, soft tears in my eyes make the desk blur.

Beside the desk is an open door that leads to a walk in closet. So many different things to wear of many different colors and styles that I want to avoid that room for as long as possible.

On the other wall is a huge door. The wood has beautiful art work carved in its face. I become curious of what's on the other side.

Then on a wall all by its self with steps coverd in a silver and gold rug lead to a ivery pedistol of stone. A crate made of Ash wood sits upon it. Its top is closed but I feel myself drawn to it. I stare at it and watch as ruins skim along the wood surface. All with different colors. Much like the colors of the raven I summoned. My curiosity is growing by the minute as I gaze at it.

"Raven look." I turn to where Dev is looking at the last wall.

There is another door of beautiful glass on side of the room where the bed sets. It looks to lead to a room with what looks like a huge pond. Glass bottles set along the wall all in different colors. I can hear the flow of waterfall coming from in there as well.

"Im gonna go look." I lean up and turn to Dev. He nods and follows me as I stand up and walk to the glass door.

I open it to find it does indeed lead to a pond. A beautiful water fall seems to filter the water and the ground is covered in soft moss.

Plants fill the room from the earth floor under our feet. Many flowers bloom. Their soft fragents fill the air making it claiming. Thick trees surround the area blocking it from view of prying eyes. Its almost as if I have stepped into the Jungle my caravan visited once, but without all the heat and sticky sweat.

"Beautiful!" I bend down ignoring the pinch in my middle and lift one of the glass bottles from the ground. The liquid inside is a soft cream with the smell of vanilla wafting up to great me.

"Bath soaps, bubble baths, shampoo tonics, and perfumes." Comes a soft voice and I turn to see Ray. She still looks pretty bad but she smiles at me.

"Just a few bruises and scrapes now, thanks to you." Her eyes lock with mine before she speaks again.

"You were right, you know. I had no right to say the things I did or do what I did. I want your forgiveness Raven, if you can allow that" I see her courage waver at my silence. I watch her look from me to Dev then back again.

"Never take what you have for granted Ray. You never know when it'll be taken from you." I walk up to her see her flinch as I raise my hand to her. Ignoring it I touch her face. Shock sparks in her eyes.

"Never take love and family for granted. You are forgiven Ray." At my words tears fill her eyes before running down her cheeks. A soft understanding smile crosses her lips.

She suddenly jumps as a thought comes to mind as she looks me over.

"I'll leave you and your mate to the bath pond to soke and wash up. I shall return with in an hour or two. There is something I want to show you. Something Saber and I want to show you." With a soft bow she turns and half limps from the room.

I watch her go deep concern for her wounds come back so fast I almost chased her down.

"She wants to keep the limp as a reminder. Her thoughts were shooting from her head as she spoke to you."

I look at him see his two toned blue eyes glow, showing he used his gift to make sure she wasn't a threat to me. The glow fades to his normal blue as he takes my hands.

He leads me to the ponds edge and quickly takes off my tattered and bloody clothes. He removes the bandages from around my middle and smiles at the scabbed over cuts.

"Few more hours and it'll be completely gone. Now let me see that burnt foot and ankle." He makes me sit on the moss and hold out my leg. The skin is still flaming red and tender. Scares are sure to follow.

"Since it was a magic burn it'll take a while longer to heal then if it was normal fire. You may even keep a few scars where the flames did the most damage" I nod understanding.

I place my feet into the cool water and sigh in pleasure. I look over to the water fall and watch as it turns the water. I quickly slide into the water completely letting it envelope me in its watery embrace.


I watch as the red head women lays down naked by the fire drying herself with the heat.

I grumble wanting this to hurry up. Wanting Raven to return already.

I strech out my clawed paws diging them into the dirt. I stand and head around to the opposite side of the water. I lean down and drink as I wait for the next fish to swim close.

I strike the water flipping the fish into the air and catch it with my teeth. I carry my kill back around the water. I lay back into my spot hidden from view and started to eat my fish completely raw. Taking my anger and impatients out on the fish.

My eyes always on the naked women before me, as I think of what is to come for dear Raven.

The Story Of Raven Lee *watttys2019* A Vampire Fae novelWhere stories live. Discover now