Chapter 21

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I watch the light bounce off the waters surface as I sit under the waterfall. The colors make rainbows dance in the mist coming off my skin.

"Vanilla or lavender?" I hear Dev ask from a distance. I ponder his question till I have one come to mind.

"Both. Their both soothing to me." I watch as he brings two glass bottles to the waters edge. A beautiful purple bottle is shaped like a spiral as the other white one is shaped like four sphears setting on eachother.

Dev sets them down and then stands. He quickly undresses before me. I watch him walk into the water glass bottles in hand. He wades to me and the waterfall.

"Time to wash you up. You've had it rough with no time to really relax." He kisses me softly as he comes closer.

"Close your eyes Raven." I do as he asked and I feel thick liquid run down my hair. The sweet vanilla and lavender scent washes over me. Instent clam envelopes me. I feel Dev's rough fingers run through my hair as he massages my scalp. He pulls me slightly to the water fall and I stand under it rincing my hair.

When done I feel him wrap his arms around me. I lean closer into his embrace. I'm content till my stomach gives an angry jolt. The pain is intense that I hold my stomach wincing.

I barely know that Dev has asked me what's wrong or that he has turned me to him. All I know is that I see his vaine beckon me to his neck. I hear the beat of his heart and smell his alluring scent.

I climb into his lap and bury my fangs into his neck without a second thought. The rich copper taste burts into my mouth. The thickness covers my tongue and slides down my starving throat.

I crave more so I drink more. My high slowly fades and I become aware of what I just did. I release his neck slowly and shyly.

Dev is looking at me with a hunger all his own. He moves under me and that's when I know I not only drank his blood but I allowed him inside me, not just his blood but physically. The pain hits me hard but I don't move in fear I'll make it worse.

His fangs slide down and before I know it he has me. His hands on my hips grip hard holding me in place. His fangs find my shoulder and dig in. The pain of him in me, his body and fangs, is intense. I cry out his name softly, my nails finding his back.

I feel my body moving as he drinks from me. Not getting enough but burnning all the same. The pain leaves me opening up to only pleasure. The heat of him inside streching me even futher as he starts to move with me. His hands find my back and breasts.

His fangs leave my shoulder and he gives me a hard heated kiss. He thrust into me even harder as if sincing my need to be released. My need soon becomes his. I feel our minds and souls connect just as our bodys are. I feel his every pleasure as he does mine. I know just how he wants me to move as he does how I want him to. Our pleasure becomes one as we fully merge.

I see fire in his eyes that I know is reflecting back to him. It then happens I feel him exploded deep inside. Filling me with his seed. I feel his fangs find my other shoulder as he keeps going it then hits me. The power of his release cases my own I scream his name and my fangs find his shoulder and I drink deeply.

Body heated and breathless I lay my head on his shoulder. His arms wrap around me softly holding me to him.

"My Raven. My beautiful desirable Raven." I hear him mummer in my ear. Its the last thing I fully remember other then being carried from the pond and laid down on that cozy bed with Dev to cuddle up to.

I wake to soft whispers next to my ear and I quickly sit up. I feel movement beside me and look down to see Dev fast asleep naked as day. I feel a cool breeze tickle my body. At this I start to have flash backs to what Dev and I did in the pond. I feel myself heat up and blush all over.

Then I hear the whisper again. Seeing the curtains in place I move them back so I can see beyond. I look around the huge room. Not a soul to be seen save for me and Dev. I open the curtains more and slide my legs over the side of the bed. The moonlight, coming in from the windows and doors to the pond, make my fair skin glow.

The hardwood floor is cool under my feet, but I stand up and look around the room again. Then a huge breeze makes the curtains on the bed blow open again. I see Dev has moved but still sleeps softly.

"Raven. Don't you hear it calling you?" The skin on my arm moves and I see the raven come to life just as she had in my fight. Her beady eyes bore into me. The onyx orbs absorbing all color.

"What exactly is calling me?" I look from her to the room around me. I see the chest from before that drew me to it. It glows softly with all the elemental ruins gliding across its surface.

"Raven. Come, Raven." I hear it more clearly now. I see small figures swirl around the chest each an element color.

I stepped closer, my feet now touch the silver and gold rug. Its velvet material soft and comfortable. The figures swirl faster till I see them more clearly and know now they are elementals.

"Raven!!" They call me. Becone me. The raven that is in my skin travels to my chest her wings spread across my collar bone. Her movement feels strange yet familiar.

"Open us Raven. We're yours by birthright. Free us at long last!" I reach my hand out. The pull to open so strong I feel my insides shudder.

"How? How do I open it? How do I free you?" The words leave me even though I believe I already know the answer.

I watched as all four of the elementals sit on the lid gazing at me intently. Happy smiles on their faces as they reach out their hands to me as if to guide me.

My hand now hovers over the chest. My heart pounds hard against my ribs. The elementals suddenly stand up on the lid and then they merge as one. The naked figure before me is so beautiful I smile softly. She jumps from the chest onto the back of my hand. I call all elements to me and focus. I press them together deep inside my soul till my skin glows from the inside out.

I finally place my hand on the chest. All the ruins race up my arms to my chest where the raven still rests wings spread. I scream as sudden pain builds where she is connected to me. The merged elemental clings to my neck in a tight hug as the lid springs open.

Beautiful lights shoot from the chest and rush twords me. As I'm hit in the chest where the raven is my wings burts from my back with fierce strength.

My body feels light and airly but still grounded. I feel my hair sway in an nonexistent wind. My skin glows softly and the raven on my chest has colors bleeding in her feathers.

I fold my wings down around me and see they match the raven on my skin. Looking up I notice the chest still glows and I timidly step forth.

The Story Of Raven Lee *watttys2019* A Vampire Fae novelWhere stories live. Discover now