Chapter 28

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The cool metal bars feel good against my heated flesh. The poison laced whip I had the pleasure to encounter left me feverish. I close my eyes pushing it back out my body.

Bleeding freely down my back I breath through gritted teeth. I flinch slitgthly as Allena starts to heal me. Something that has become a daily thing since we found we both fight for Raven.

"How many days now?" I hear her whisper so the others don't hear.

"Four." I open my eyes and take in her bruised face and anger rises in me again.

"Don't say anything like last time. Neither of us will get off as easily. I open my mouth to argue but I know she's right.

"Soon we will get out of here. I just know it." She smiles sadly at me but nods.


"My Queen. I have a report for you!" A soldier walks up to me and hands me a scroll wrapped in a velvet bow.

I take it from him with a nervous breath. Saber, still in his wheelchair, looks to me and Slade walks to my side. I untie the bow and open the scroll.

"Dear Queen Raven Lee Feather. I found your search party much to close to my castle and so I have made it clear to all that I am very much welcoming you to try to take my dear brother by force. Rest assured it wont happen. I am always watching you Raven. I have eyes every where. Even as you read this I am watching. You are not the only one with gifts at your disposal. I shall look forward to your visit . Till then Raven please keep the trash away from my doors, or else you just might find a very dear person harmed and I don't mean YOUR MATE. 



I look up at the guard and I watch as his eyes go a gssy color and drool seeps from his gapmouth.

"Slade!" she already is across the room and holding the now fighting guard to the ground as if she was able to read my thoughts. Saber jumps from his seat only to fall back into it with no grace.

"Raven. The others." I quickly leave the room at a high speed and see many guards fighting amongst themselves. Many with glassy eyes and others shocked at the sudden attack.

Panic fills me and I struggle to think of what to do.

'I need to get them all in one place but how?' my mind wonders coming up blank.

"I have an idea Raven." Clover moves across my skin in a creepy way.

"Focus your energy and reach out your mind to all the guards. As you do this think of what you want them to do and tell them." I follow her instructions to the letter.

"Its pretty much how Dev taught me to speak to him in his mind." at her soft chuckle I know I said something she wanted to hear.

"Yes just on a larger scale and with more purpose." I nod my agreement.


I feel myself get dizzy as I let the connection go. Shaking my head I head back into the room where I see a tied up guard and a rough looking Slade.

"Holding Cells." my only words as Ray comes bustling in taking the tied guard with a small nod to me.

"Arson knows about our scouts. He knows I'm to set Dev free. I cant wait any longer. I have to go, and go alone." Saber jumps up from his wheelchair grabbing the table for support.

"NO RAVEN! That's just what he wants." I hear the panic in his voice .

"Father I have to. If he is in deed traveling through time I have to go before he gets Mama and Allena. If he hasn't already." When I say this his breath leaves him in a gust. He deflates sitting back down in defeat.

"She won't be going alone. If he has gone and taken Allena then this just got on a new personal level." her silver eyes flash with a deep angry resolve.

"Wait! How do you know Allena?!" she looks at me and I find that Ill dig into that later.

"Alright then, lets get this started. The quicker we get this done the quicker we can all breath and start a new beginning."  We all nod to each other.

"Slade we will have to sneak in. There isn't really any other way around it. I know he might be expecting me but he might not be you. I still want you to be on your guard." I see her clinch her jaw and I let out a deep sigh.

" Arson isn't just any body he is tricky not to forget his Crazy Lady, Rose."  at her name Clover merges off my skin and forms into a white raven on my shoulder.

"Leave Rose to me. Ill leave your body at a time I see the chance to take her out Raven. You will retain the majority of our powers but they will be slightly weaker till I merge with you again." I look at her as a thought hits me.

"What if we are not together. How will you be able to merge with me?" she laughs softly at me making me growl.

"We are always linked. A brain wave as you will. Ill always find you no matter where you are. But not only that, little miss mix elemental that is on your shoulder will also be a beacon." I feel a soft tug on my hair and feel her sit down.

"Alright then. Lets met here again to discus how best to enter the fortress. I'm going to get ready. Slade I need you as equipped as possible." she nods at me dead set on getting everthing in motion.

Standing I leave the room and walk down the long elegant halls. Many doors lead to many rooms many of which I have no clue as to where they lead. Some rooms I hear voices and others silence. Still if find it hard to believe this is all mine. Shaking my head I finally arrive at my room. I fling open the doors and close them behind me. I lock it as I step more into the room.

"A quick bath seems like a good idea. I still have blood and god knows what else on me." I pull off the armor and weapons.  The small elemental flies form my shoulder and sits with them. I see her glow a bright gold that transfers to the items. The glow fades and then their all clean.

"Very handy." she smiles at me and I walk on into the bath area. I slip into the cool water and Clover blends back into my skin. I take time and wash my skin the water staying crystal clear. My thoughts stray to just how I'm going to get me and Slade close and into that horrid place unnoticed.  Then it hits me. My link to Dev! I quickly rinse off and climb out the water grabbing a towel as I slide open the glass door to my room. I grab my armor and weapons sliding them on again finding they feel natural. I head to the doors and out into the halls once again ignoring the guards that bow to me as I pass.

The Story Of Raven Lee *watttys2019* A Vampire Fae novelWhere stories live. Discover now