Chapter 23

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I fly for a while Clover taking the hint has merged back into my skin. Alone at last, save for the elemental holding tight to my neck, I think of all that has happened.

Turning and elvolving as much as I have. All the truths that are coming to light. My new abilities and duties that are expected of me. Taking it all in I feel myself do a tail spin.

The elemental kisses my cheek in a clamimg manner making me smile. Reaching down I feel the itmes from the chests. The feel against my skin is warm, calming. It comforts me in a way I can't express.

"Almost a Goddess myself huh?" I think to what Clover told me and I feel my chest tighten.


I keep watching the Fox girl till I feel Raven's familure magic signature. The fox girl feels it to because she looks up to the sky. I follow her eyes in time to see a figure with huge wings fly over.

"She's done it!" The Fox jumps around joy lacing her words. I feel my jaw clench.

"That can't be her!" I growl deep in my throat.

"Oh but it is my dear!" I hear Arson at my ear. His breath warm on my neck. I turn to him fully in human form now.

"My King! Why have you left the castle?" He smiles his sexy wicked smike at me before answering.

"Got board my love." His hand strokes my throat in a angry manner.

"Shoot the annoying fox to get her attention." I smile with joy licking my lips.

"With utter pleasure!" I take aime and shoot. The loud bang makes birds take flight and the Fox howls in pain.

I watch Raven stop in mid flight. She then swoops down landing hard. Dust flies into the air.

"SLADE!" I hear the angush in her voice and moan in pleasure.

"That's my girl!" He kisses my neck his arm around me. His eyes observing the scene we just made.


I stop dead in my tracks. A loud bang fills the air and an odd oder reaches my nose. The elemental tugs hard on my hair till I look down. I scan the land below me for anything.

Bright red catches my eye and I dive. My wings help me sore through the air.

Can't be her!

It just can't be her!

Don't let it be her!

I shout over and over in my head.

I land with a solid thump and run. Sure enough its Slade. Her side has an wound I've never seen before. Blood weeps freely and thickly.

"SLADE!" I shout my chest crushing hard at the possible loss.

"I'm alive Raven." I feel her bloody hand touch my cheek. Tears fall from my eyes but I see her smile.

"You have grown stronger in such a short time. Something great has to have happened." Her words are said with great effort. I can hear her struggle to breath.

"Don't force yourself. I can heal you Slade." I brush back her wild hair. My hands leave bloody streaks in it. I apply pressure to her gushing wound.

"Had to hit something vital." I whisper to myself. Then I hear a slight whimper by my ear. The elemental has hidden herself deep in my hair.

"Such sweet connections you have made! Oh and in such a short time!" A voice I know all to well makes my skin crawl. I wrap my wings around Slade and I. I feel Clover move along my skin. Her anger evedent.

The Story Of Raven Lee *watttys2019* A Vampire Fae novelWhere stories live. Discover now