Chapter 14

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WARNING:  Spoiler for Saber's story here. But enjoy!

The way Saber worded that has me completely and totally curious.

"Promise you'll tell me later?" He looks to me then his eyes seem to have moving dust particles.

"When the time is right." He stands then shifting to human form. I notice how tall he really is. Has to be six foot seven. He has to crouch to be eye level with me.

"But yes I promise Raven." He holds out his large hand to me and I see grans of sand and small flames. They dance around inside his palm.

With timid hands I reach out and lay my hand with his. The flames don't hurt in the least. They actually tickle making me giggle.

A small kind smile reaches his face making him seem younger then what his eyes portray. I find I want to know this stranger better.

"Add your elements Raven. This is the promise of our people." I do as he asks knowing he just gave me slight insight to a truth about me.

I blend water and air watching them circle at his nod I add my flame and sand too. The four make a small figure of me that waves smiling sweetly. Her body and hair flow with the elements that created her.

I let out a small laugh and look to saber to see a figure of himself inside his own palm. Blue flames and tan sand make his mintier self.

I place my open plam closer to his and our figures meet. His taking mine in a warm embrace. A embrace of love that I find indearing but confusing.

With a last squeeze and a pat on the head his figure let's mine go. Saber closes his hand into a tight fist. I do the same sending my figure into the nether world.

Giving me one last small smile and a pat on the head he walks off into the forest.

"Don't go to far please!" He looks over his shoulder a teasing look in his eyes.

"I've never been to far away Raven." He then vanishes like smoke. I jump when a hand touches my shoulder.  I look up into the eyes of Dev.

"He'll be back. He never wonders to far from those he cares about." nodding slowly I allow him to lead me to a small fire where Slade sits cooking Salmon.

"Ay. How ye feelin?" She hands me some fish and flask of water. I take both and sit close to the fire.

"Totally confused." I admit taking a large bite of the fish. I pick the small bones from my teeth with my tongue.

Slade nods to me. Dev takes a salmon from the fire as he sits on my other side.

"I can understand that. Itll only get more confusing as you learn more. Saber is the key to you. As much as he is to me. He is hard to understand or to even talk to sometimes it takes time." He kisses my cheek softly and starts to devour his fish.

I nod deep in my own thoughts.

"I'm gonna take a walk I'll be back." I stand up Slade watches me her silver eyes keen. I smile at her as I walk into the trees.

"Just ike em. If ye ask me." I hear her say with my new hearing.

I ignore her and keep walking. Once I no longer hear the fire I take in a deep breath. The smell of fresh turned earth is super strong and I look around.

I walk to tree my hand outstretched. The second I touch its bark I'm thrown into a void.

Looking around me I see a vast waist land. Ash covers the ground. My feet kick up dust. A wild wind blows and then its like I take a leep foreword in time.

The Story Of Raven Lee *watttys2019* A Vampire Fae novelWhere stories live. Discover now