Chapter 35

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Slade's dead weight makes it harder and harder to walk but I keep going. Rave and the others are counting on me. With this thought in mind I make my way down into the dark damp and cold dungeons.

The fowl smell of death and human waste hits me making me gage but it lets me know I'm closer. I start to hear the howls of pain and suffering. The moans of pleasures that have been forced upon many blend making a melody of death as I come to the first cell. A sad women about the age of seventeen looks at me. No sign of a number on her yet tells me she is still new to the tormenting hell of this place.

"Stand back. I'm about to open the cell. I don't know if there are any enchantments in place and I don't want you harmed." she gives me a feeble nod and scurries to the back corner where I see two small children around the ages of four and seven. I place Slade down on the floor leaned against the damp wall. I place my hands on the cells bars feeling the cold iron. I grip it tightly with all I have and push nothing happens. The children look at me fear still in their wide eyes as they grip the women's hands.

Their fear seems to give me the strength and I push even harder and with a loud scraping noise the bars slide open. The women steps forward but I stop her. I step into he opening and I feel something cold wash over me. The children scream and looking down I see that my feet are frozen solid.


Fighting my mind of the darkness I open my heavy eyes to find I'm on the ground. My back is pressed against something damp and I feel pain all over. With my right hand I touch my neck. I feel dried scabs of what seems to be bite marks. I try to remember what did this to me but all I can recall is blurry images. Creatures of such ugliness and smell. Screams and the sounds of flesh being ripped off. As I try to focus more on what happened I hear crying not far from me.

With caution I look beside me to see a women's legs. Their shapely forms are frozen to the ground in a huge hunk of ice that seems to have risen from the floor. My eyes travel up watching the ice make its way up to their thighs. I quickly look up before the ice gets any higher and I see my great great great grandmother looking at me from her youth. Without a second thought I reach out sliding across the floor to her legs and touch the ice. With great focus that makes my head spin I call forth flames to melt the ice but nothing happens. My flames have no effect. I rack my brain for what to do when I then think of something that Raven might try to do.

"I hope this works" I touch the ice feeling it reach for me as I call forth my own ice. They meet and with a loud shatter of glass the ice is thrown from Allena and I'm hit with ice shards all in my good arm. The pain is all consuming but I breath through it pulling my arm to my chest. I start to shake as if feel the shards sink into my skin being they are magic and not just ice.

Allena is leaning over me before I know what she is doing she has my arm in her hands and a soft blue light is leaving her and covering my skin. The touch is so light that I barely feel it but I then notice the ice has stopped its descend into me.

"I have stopped its migration but it is still within you. I'm so sorry I cant do more." she stands back and I just looks up at her in wonder.

"I always knew you were a healer but to have it done on myself is something totally different." she turns her head in confusion and I smile. My lips crack form the dryness but I don't care.

"I'm of your blood line but far down it." a little less confused she helps me to my feet which I then lean on the wall thanks to my messed up leg and blood loss I'm weak. A very timid trio comes from the cell and looks at me and Allena. Before I think of what to say the oldest of the group throws her arms around us and thanks us. Standing back she takes the little one's hands and they stay beside us.

"There are many more we need to free but if their are more traps set this will be harder then just setting them free." Allena nods at me agreeing.

"It has to be done though and if we can deactivate them before they spring then we wont have to much to worry about." I smile at her. I knew that she was always smart but this shows just how much.

We walk on and come to another cell this one with a male inside and a large fresh burn of the number 99 was visible on his back as he lay on a blood soaked cot. At the sound of our footsteps he turns his head to us and then runs at the bars.

"Help me! Save me! I don't want to be her slave!" I look at his face and see there are bruises and looks like a busted eyes socket. Me and Allena set to work opening the cell and watching for the trap. This one being fire. I bring out my fire element and find that if I talk to it with my element it doesn't attack but merges with my own adding power to what I already have. The man walks out and joins the group and we walk on.


After opening many cells with many different elements we now have a large group of over sixty freed slaves. Some refused to come with us saying they would never leave their Master that she was good to them. Looking at their backs I could see why they thought this way having single numbers burned into their back verses double.

We come to a new cell and find that Allena freezes but then shakes herself and I have a feeling that she was in this cell with Dev. I say nothing as we set to work on opening it. As I get the last of the element to join me I hear a what can only be the sound of danger and its headed right to us. I look to Allena and I feel someone merge into my mind.

"Take them to Raven's and Allena's time line. They will be safe there. No war has started there. Quickly make sure you leave no one behind." just as quickly as Dev was there he is gone and I do as he told me. With the help of the new elementals I focus and open a rift in time. The freed slaves look at me in wonder and fear but at Allena's encouragements they start to enter it. They start to go quicker and I feel sweat on my brow as struggle to hold it open. I look to Allena and nod to her.

"You too. They look to you as their leader. I am still needed here." Her eyes fill with tears and I smile softly at her.

"You'll see me again. And Ill bring her to see you some day I promise." she hugs me tightly and kisses my head like I remember her doing when I was a child and she climbs into the rift. I see her look back and then I close it falling to my knees. 

"Their free." I take in deep breaths and lean back against the cool wall and then I hear them. The odd sound of claws scraping and the growls of huger. I push my self up and brace for what is about to come to me and then I hear cell doors closing and I know its the ones that chose to stay behind. They know what is coming and I even hear some of them laugh.

"Master has sent the goblins after you!! You will be no more!!" they all start to join in making it sound like a song to the sounds the goblins make as they come into view. I gather my elements and focus the new ones join with me eagerly.

"Lets do this! Raven needs me!" with those words leaving my lips I forge my family's war hammer and charge down the hall to meet them the pain in my body forgotten. Only my rage and devotion leading me. 

The Story Of Raven Lee *watttys2019* A Vampire Fae novelWhere stories live. Discover now