Chapter 25

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This story chapter was also written by a friend of mine. (LadySlander) She is a major Rose fan.  Please enjoy!

I wake to find myself naked and cold. My body is stiff as I rise from the stone floor. Chins rattle close by and I feel something burn my neck slightly.

Lifting my hands to my neck I feel the cool iron. A coller is locked around my neck. I fumbel with the lock to no avalel. I fallow the links of a chain. My eyes adjusting to the dim light find the chain attached to the wall behind me.

"Fuck." I pull and pull on the chain. Try as I might to get it to break from it stays solid.

My skin crawls as I hear a soft chuckle. I whip around to see Rose sitting on a table legs crossed and a finger nail to her red lips. Her icy eyes racking over me.

"Mmmm its such a turn on to watch a man struggle when bound by chains." Her toung traces over fangs a gleeful smile forming.

A man with a chain around his ankle crawls to her across the cold stone. Hunger shows in his glossy eyes as he leans up and kisses her black hills. Not even seeming to notice he's there she keeps her eyes on me.

"Oh what I could do with your flesh!" She snaps her fingers a long whip appers in her hand.

"Peasant 20! I am need of you." a naked women with a very cury body and a collar walks up her.

"Undress me 20 But do it slowly and please me at the same time." She purrs and the women leans forword kissing Rose along her collar bone to her breast as she is slowly stripped down.

Rose slides her black whip over the women's shoulder letting it hang there. The women moans and slides her fingers down to Rose's short skirt. 20's hair falls around her face as she leans into Rose's neck making sucking sounds. I notice a branded number 20 is shown on the women's back. Rose's eyes hold mine.

The man kisses his way father up from her sharp hill to her calf. Rose slides to the edge of the table and spreads her legs. The man instantly burrys his face there making greedy sounds of pleasure. I see the number 12 on his back. Rose moans and smiles.

"My good boy 12." She strokes his hair with her free hand. "You'll be rewarded soon." Her hand then comes up and cups 20's breast. The women gasps and travels her mouth to Rose's breast in turn.

"My good slaves. So obedient. So obsessed with their master. Some know what I want with out instructions. Those are my favorites." She coos and awes to the two pleasuring her body.

" Soon you'll be just as obedient and as obsessed. If not more so. That is if your Raven doesn't come soon." she slides her whip up and down the women's body grinning. The women bends over the table a pleasured look on her face.

"Good girl 20." the women smiles happy at the comment.

"Master your to kind. Please punish me for not attending you faster." 12 leaves from between Rose's legs and crawls to sit beside the table. A naked Rose stands and with a quick flick of the wrist she whips 20. The women doesn't cry out instead she moans. Her hands grip the table.

"Again Master! I haven't learned yet!" Rose smiles and whips her four more times each time the women moans.

"Still haven't learned have you 20." A evil smile spreads across her lips. Rose leans down to 12's level.

"Reward time 12. Time to appease your hunger I see that is hard." She touches his cheek and I see his eyes are filled with lust. He stands up and walks behind 20.

"Which one Master?" He asks his excitement evident in his voice. 20 withers her legs close tightly together.

"Hmmmm for her lateness I say the front, but then her lack of knowledge of what I wanted I say second." Rose looks to me and smiles.

"What say you Slave? Which do you think 20 should have." I shake my head not wanting to see or know any of this. She growls and then I feel it the first whip across my back.

"Always answer me new slave!" She growls and I receive another whip quickly followed by three more.

"Both 12!" I hear 20 whimper and then scream.

"Please Master! Not both! Please!" There was another whip and 20 moaned.

"Don't stop 12 till you have filled front and back twice. I want to watch you enjoy your reward to the fullest! 2! 30!" out comes a man with many whip marks and a women with so few. She hands her whip to the women and gropes the women making her smile.

"My Mistress calls?" The women purrs.

"Begin 12! Oh and 20 I'll be watching and taking pleasure in your moans and cries. Taking that plasure to feed my own as 2 takes me from behind on the bed there. So do your best not to disappoint Your Master!" 20 cries out as 12 positions himselfe to defile her.

"30 Dear your to whip whoever I say when I say." She walk up to her shoes tap across the stone floor. She leans down and grabs my face.

"You are to watch everything. Because this is your or Raven's future. If not you both." She kisses me quickly before I can pull away.

"Let's play!" She climbs onto the huge bed. 2 supporting a monster gets behind her. 30 walks around everyone whip in hand.

"Ready My Mistress. Then me when to fill you." 2 hold her hips firmly.

"12 now! I want to hear her scream with the pleasure I know you can provide! Now 2. Pleasure your Mistress!" Not having to be told twice both men start. The room is filled with screams from 20 moans from Rose and grunts from both men. I quickly look away.

"30 the new slave! Then 20! Then 2, I know he likes it." I felt the whip hard on my back. I still kept my eyes down and received 12 more whips as the noise in the room continued if anything intensified.

The Story Of Raven Lee *watttys2019* A Vampire Fae novelWhere stories live. Discover now