Chapter 30

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I look around the dark cell holding me and Allena and sigh. Allena shifts in her sleep having cried till she couldn't anymore had fallen asleep in my lap. I watch her sleep for a while as my thoughts wonder.

I have given Raven all that I know about this place even though much has changed. I also fear that Arson knows that she talked with me. How can he not. The surge of power that she released was enough to alert even the lest power beings.

"Had your little chat I see." Arson comes in form the shadows a look of deep hunger on his face. I cut my eyes at him and he smiles. "So, when are we expecting our dear Raven? I sure hope its soon." he says this licking his lips as if he just had the best meal in the world.

A deep growl leaves me waking Allena. She opens her eyes and then sees Arson. She jumps up in fright hiding behind me.

" Found a replacement already have you? Or is she something else?" He looks at her more closely and then understanding dawns on him. He quickly turns to leave but stops looking over his shoulder at us. "Ill be seeing you soon." his voice holds dark meaning making my skin crawl.


"So the girl is also a leverage to Raven. Ill use this to my advantage. I'm more then sure she already knows she's here, being she talked with her link to Deliverance. What I want to know is what was that power surge. That couldn't have been just any mind mate link. No it was something more. The power waves off it were unlike any I've felt before and that's saying something given Rose." I walk down the marble halls my refection looking back at me from the clean surface.

I stop at the huge double doors leading to my personal dojo. I sling them open and walk in grabbing my family sword from its display. The blade shining with my name is the ancient ruins of our old kingdom. I grip the gold handle tightly. It still fits perfectly as it did the day it was crafted for me.

I grumble under my breath as I think of my brothers sword. The day it was finished he was on his death bed barely able to hold it. His shallow eyes looking at me knowing that he had already accepted his death along with our family's. Not that I would accept it. I wanted him to rule by my side. I sling out my sword hard slicing the head off a human sized target. My anger fueling the swing.

Little did I know that he wasn't truly sick but it was his other side coming to light. Just like HIS MOM! Just LIKE SABER! Only I found this out after the fact I let Rose turn us. He was welcomed into this way of life with all the gifts. The ability to shift into his animal self, the speed, the elemental gifts, and the enteral life. All thanks to that Fea mother of his. I reach around with my right hand and grab a iron coated dagger off the tool table and toss it with ease. Embedding it to the chest of target to its gold handle.  

Where as I only got two gifts. Enteral life, that was a given, and elemental powers that really aren't elements more like a force. Also a curse I received because I was fully human.

"But don't forget that curse I gave you is also your best quality. It makes you ruthless and stronger then any of your kind." I hear his voice and clench my teeth.

"Yes but at a high cost Draco." I turn to him taking in his modern day tuxedo. The black bringing out his flawless blond hair and Icy blue eyes.

"Now now call me Father, after all your to be soon wedded to my Rose am I right?" he walks around my dojo taking everything in. I nod having no reason to lie to the man. He smiles and shows his yellowish black teeth.

"Is she still in the dark?" He stares at me with her icy eyes but they seem colder then hers ever have.

"That I have to drink her blood to stay myself? Yes she is still in the dark. As of everything else she knows." He nods excepting my answer.

"Being you bed her and none other I believe she would have noticed your lack in the gifts. Though for her to stay and search for a solution with you says more then I like to admit. To much like her mother in that aspect. But her mother was a strong Goddess, wouldn't give in no matter how much I beat her and used her body to create Rose. Loved her God husband to much to come to me. Her own brother in the since of the word." He produces a flame in his hand and holds it out to me. I take it into my own hands cupping it like you could water. I then wait as he cuts open his arm and drops blood in the fire. It burns instantly leaving an odd oder.

"Drink my Son. This will hold you over till you give me what I want. You should soon have Raven." At this I look up at him and smile.

"That I will and I already know how to break her. When I do I'll ravish her and make her beg me to give her a child. You then will have my first born son to have as your vessel."  I look into his eyes. They hold a dark desire that I know I can fill.

"Yes my Son and then you shall have my powers. You will be able to finally shift into any animal, control all elements, every power you have been craving will be yours along with my daughter. I'll freely give her to you as a blessing."

"Arson? Darling where are you?" Rose comes around the corner just as I finish drinking the flame.

"Daddy!" her icy eyes look from him to me.

"Talking plans of ravishing Raven I presume." I nod and she smiles her sexy wicked smile and I know I chose my mate wisely.

The Story Of Raven Lee *watttys2019* A Vampire Fae novelWhere stories live. Discover now