Chapter 22

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My anger beats at me as I pass through the marble halls. I fling open the door leading to my weapons room. I walk between the shelves and displays till I get what I'm looking for.

"What's taking her so long! Getting him here should be no problem at all! Not with her gifts!"  I grind my teeth hard as I reach out for a pistol. I walk a little further and grab a silencer. I attach it and load the magazine.

"My King, what can I do for you?" A made walks into the room. I turn to her and smile in greeting.

"Get me my couch men and guard. I have somewhere I need to be." She blows low to me and turns to walk out the door.

"Oh and be a dear and make it quick. You know I hate waiting and what happens when I have to." I hear her heart beat faster a sweet sound to my ears.

"Yes my King." I hear the fear in her quivering voice and can't help but laugh.


I peer over into the chest. Inside lays a silver and golden tunic of soft fabric. A shield of beautiful iron and silver are next to it. My eyes then travel to the katana. The handel is ribbened with silver and gold.

I reach in and grab it. The energy it gives off feels right. I slide it from it's silver scarb. The blade is a medium length and made of iron and steal. Beautiful ruins glows in the metal as I hold it up in the moonlight.

My attention is pulled away from the blade as the elemental pulls on my hair. I watch as she floats to the chest I look inside it again as I return the katana.

I see a bow made of hickory and berch. Carvings over the wood in fancy fashion stand out. Its string is made of silver lions main, the color of Saber's fur. I see a gold quiver of arrows beside it and see their shafts are made from hawthorne. Feathers of an owl and raven wrap on one end and beautiful onyx arrow heads on the other.

"Beautiful. Their all beautiful." I touch each items with deep care.

"All are yours Raven. Only you can touch them and use them." The raven on my chest speaks to me. Her voice full of deep knowledge. I reach in and grab the tunic. The material is even softer then I thought would be. I slide it on with such ease like it was made for me. It fits me in all the right places, a second skin.

The silver sparkles softly catching the light in the right way seeming to highlight my skin and the gold trim blends with my skin tone making seem part of me.

I hear the soft sounds of struggling and look up to see the elemental holding what looks like a golden belt. I take it from her and wrap around my waist. I tie the katana to my hip with the belt and ribben.

The shield slides onto my back almost hugging me. As I think this I feel it wrap around my middle forming armor. Sweeping vines and ivy like designs form a corset like chest piece. I grab the quiver and bow, both fit with ease onto my back.

I look into the chest to see a leather pouch. The elemental lifts it for me and I open it to reveal stones. I feel the magic flow from them. I tie the pouch to my belt.

"One last thing." I turn at Saber's voice to see him standing in the door way. A smaller chest much like this one rest in his hands. The runis glow calling me to it as this one did.

He walks over to me and sets the chest on a smaller piller next to the big one. He motions me forword. I nod to him and reach out. The ruins again climb up my arms but their less intense and it opens with a loud pop. I look inside and become very confused.

"Saber what is this?" I pull it out the metal odd feeling in my hands.

"That is what is known as a gun. Its the newest weapon made. I know others of your kind will have them." he walks up to me and pulls out a gun from his back. He holds it up in the moon light.

"Known as a revolver. Seems yours is one too." He shows me how the casing comes out and how you put in new 'bullets'. He then shows me how to pull back the 'hammer' and pull the 'trigger'.

"Always make aim for the head or heart if its to kill. The knees, shoulder and hands to wound." He watches me closely making sure I fully understand.

"It will make a loud bang sound most times." He says this with a weary grin. The elemtntal hops into the small box and lifts what looks like a glowing odd longated egg.

"Bullets I'm guessing?" I turn to Saber and see him nod.

"Yours seem to be made of the elements though which is actually handy. You'll never run out." I nod to him then I feel my skin move again.

"Long time King Saber."

"Yes Clover. It has been a long time." I watch him bow low to her.

"I'm glad to see you remembered the other chest as well. The one I hid away for safe keeping till time moved forward." Standing he looks at me then the elemental that has hidden in my hair, I feel her peep her head out ever so often.

"I'd never forget something as important as a weapon created by one of our own Goddesses of creation." The raven on me rises up climbing from my skin. I watch this with an odd wonder.

Then she is perched on my shoulder as if to be a real life bird save for her feet that are still blended with my skin.

"Wait. Goddess?" My confusion evident in my voice.

"Yes dear, but call me Clover. I'm no longer a Goddess. As long as I'm attached to you in this way I shall never be one again."

"But why?" she turns her eyes one me and I feel small.

"I gave up my title for you, for a new blood line. For a new start. For a new protector. For something to rid the world of the evil my brother and nince created." She talks to me as if I'm a small child. Which in a since I am in this new world.

" All the other Gods and Goddesses didn't see this coming but I did. The moment they tossed my brother out and took his title I knew he would seek revenge. So I took it upon my self to demisish myself until the awakening of a strong determined warrior who could stand against my brother and his daughter. So in doing so I passed a great many gifts to you upon your awakening." I stare at her mouth wide open like a fish.

"In many ways you've become a goddess yourself." a small chuckle leaves her. I stagger back a few feet my mind racing.

"I. I need to get some air." with those words I bolt through the open door that leads to the pond. I spread my wings and kick off into the air. Everything seems small from so high up. I feel my head started to clear.

"Helps to take moments like this to clear the void." Clover speaks from her perch. I sigh knowing now she'll always be there.

The Story Of Raven Lee *watttys2019* A Vampire Fae novelWhere stories live. Discover now