Chapter 26

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By the time everything is over I'm bloody and weak. I'm thrown into a cell and the door is locked.

"She will be worse next time." I feel a hand touch my shoulder and I grab it holding it in a crushing grip.

"Please let me go. I mean no harm Sir. I'm a healer. Its a gift I hide from Rose." I open my eyes to see a small women. Around the age of Raven, maybe older, but the looks of Slade.

"Who are you?" She sighs with relief as I unhand her.

"Allena. I was kidnapped not long ago. I came from a gyspi band." She just stars to talk as if she hasn't had someone to talk to in a long time.

"Its been ten years since she had to leave me behind. I still miss her as if it just happened. Its odd though but I feel like I've gone back in time and its really only been a few days." A soft blue light is around her hands and I feel an icy sensation over my wounds.

"Raven." I say as the pieces fall I ti place.

"What did you say?!" She stops so suddenly I feel the icy touch fade and her hand is on my back pressing the wounds open. I grunt and she jumps.

"Shit! I'm sorry! Here!" I feel the icy touch again.

"I said Raven. She is the one who left isn't she?" I look over my shoulder at her to see her eyes down cast. A sadness fill the space around her.

"How do you know? What do you know of her?" I smile which makes her blush.

"She's my chosen. My mate. The other half of my soul." She jumps but keeps the icy feeling there.


"What you mean I have to chose?! Between those?! This is unheard of! I didn't even want this life and now that I have something to fight for I have to chose!?" I find I start to pace and then it hits me and I stop dead in my tracks.

"Wait! Did you say I'm pregnant!?" At their nods I feel myself get light headed. I sink to the floor.

"Raven if you chose to give up your first born this is what will happen. We will take it from you now for it to be the seed of a future goddess. You will not have to carry the child there for you will not know the pain of having it robbed from you." Clover comes to stand by me.

"If you chose to give up your mate you will never again see them for they will have to be killed to be returned to their seed form to become a future goddess. You will feel the loss and it'll be much greater then one you would have to face if you have up the child."

I look up at Clover, hurt and confused she bends down toy level.

"Raven. Your child will not have to die as Dev would. Your first born will become the living vessel for me to return my soul to. She and I will become one much like you and I." I look up into her eyes their black pits taking me in.

I nod and stand. I walk to the center where Falcon stands waiting.

"I've made my decision! My first born is the price I'll pay!" Many of the Gods and Goddesses cheer.

"Now then. Shall we begin?" Comes a creepy voice from the shadows.

"STOP! I shall be the one to take it from her. It is also my choice to bare." I watch as she comes up to me and I feel her reach inside my stomach. I feel something being pulled. I gasp my hands going to my middle. A golden light leves me and Clover is holding a small bundle the size of a pea.

I watch as she takes it over to Falcon. He places it in a small satin box.

"It is fine! You may go!" I feel myself fall through the glass floor into the forest below. I keep falling till I see my body come into view and I fall back into it. I open my eyes gasping and thrashing. I roll over and vomit. Iron and blood cover the grass. I quickly turn around around at the clearing of a throat. I see Ray sitting and talking to Clover. I look over and see an odd pool.

Water is in the form of a sphere. Its constantly turning as a small stream of water flows over it and down I to makes constant rippels in the water. It stand on its own small island. thick trees surround it on all sides but one.

"The fountain of gifts. The past present and future. All in content balance. This place is our most holey and our Mother Goddess has asked us to bring you here for healing." I see Fayra and smile at her. She smiles back very timidly. I lean closer to the fountain. I see myself as a child the it changes to me know when I see myself on a throne then back as a child. I watch it switch over and over again.

"Some of us can actually control when and what we see but that takes practice and patience." Clover is beside me and I jump slightly.

"Do not worry. Your child will be forever safe. It Dev you need to be concerned with. I fear his life is in grave danger. It is up to you and I to save him. I'm going to merge with you again Raven. This will hurt so be prepared." She reaches out a pail hand to my chest and I'm shot back onto the grass. Left gasping for air I sit up and I feel her move along my skin. She rests on my chest in the form of a white Raven with a black clover pattern on it back.

"Welcome back Clover. Let's get my man and kick some ass." Her feathered head nods in agreement.

The Story Of Raven Lee *watttys2019* A Vampire Fae novelWhere stories live. Discover now