Chapter 8

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I lay there a moment shaking and before I know it I'm crying. Crying huge sobs that bounce back to me off the marble prison walls. Saber curls up beside me bumping his head against my chin.

After a while of hearing myself I wipe at my face to get rid of my shame. When my hand comes away it's covered in blood. I freez up at the sight.

The room fades as tunnel vision takes over. The copper smell hits me hard. My stomach clinches as I feel my fangs slide down. The sharp edges cutting my tounge. I gasp at the sudden velostlety.

Starting to shake worse I stand and start to pace. Finding my speed is slowly getting faster.

I wipe my hands on my clothes to get rid of the sight. The smell lingers in the air. Thick and damp to my mouth. I take deep breaths to clam myself before I have a panic attack.

Saber is following me around and as I try to breath with my mouth closed. I quickly notice that it's my nose bleeding. Feeling completely dumb I slowly relax enough to sit on the huge bed that takes up most of the small room. I sink into the softness so different then the cots I'm used to.

I wipe the blood off and I feel my fangs slide back in as quickly as they came out. I look at Saber his big odd eyes looking at me like he's asking if I'm ok.

"I'm ok baby boy." I say petting his soft head. I slowly stand and walk to the other room. Looking around I notice its a wash room of sorts. A large odd looking wash bin that has feet of some bird draws my eyes first. I see odd pipe like objects hooked to it. My eyes wonder around the odd room and see a chair with a hole in its seat that leads to a bowl of water.

"Very very curious indeed." I back away from the chair and my back hits something solid. Turning I see a hand wash bin with the odd pipes. A mirror above it shows my face. Dried blood and all. I lean on the marble surface around the the wash bin. My hand touching something.

Looking I see a note on the countertop. The paper much different then the parchment I use. I see the words wrote in a womens hand. Happy mama taught me to read and write I read it aloud.

'Raven Lee this room is a bathroom and it's not what your used to.
To use the water turn the nobs H is for hot C for cold.
You pull the middle piece to make the water come out the top. Which is called a shower and be sure to pull the curten closed.
Wash with the soap and shampoos that are there.
Dry off with a towel that is provided on the counter I'll be back in a few to help you dress. And if you must keep your things I suggest you put them out of sight or they will be disposed of.'

I sigh knowing I have no other choice. I slowly pull off the beautiful gown mama made me. With great care I place it within my bag with my other items.

I take off my pocket pouch from around my waist feeling inside it the weight of what ever Father gave me. Thinking of what it could be I set it on the bed. Having the feeling Im not ready for it yet I leave it inside.

I take a look around the room and find that there isn't much here other then a very large bed a chest with draws, a small room that I see to the side, and the small 'bathroom'.

I open the small room to stash my bag only to find it full of cloths I close it back. Confused at the odd sight I slid the bag under the bed along with my bow. I look at my pocket pouch again. The deep green fabric beckons me closer. I shake my head.

"Not yet."

I walk back into the bathroom and nearly scream startled when I see my rrejection out the corner of my eye.

"No one there but you Raven"

Taking a deep calming breath I step into the very very large wash bin. The height comes to my waist.

The Story Of Raven Lee *watttys2019* A Vampire Fae novelWhere stories live. Discover now