Chapter 36

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I bang on the crumbled marble that was once an entrance. I remember the last thing I saw. Rose her hand on Clovers neck blood dripping from the fresh wounds her claws made as the dug in. I bang till my fists are bloody and I know she is using her goddess magic to keep me out. I know Raven will want me to help Clover but something in the way she told me to go has me hesitant.

Its like she knew who Rose was and now that I think about it they looked a lot alike. I shake my head. It cant be, no its just not possible. I think about it harder and the more confused I become.

A loud scream draws me back to the now. I hear what sounds like a battle in the making on the other side of the marble and I have the feeling Clover will be alright long enough for me to help Raven. With this thought I charge down the halls back the way I came but it looks different some how.

I feel something off and I quickly raise my guard. I'm being followed. I feel the cold air wrap around me and I know their not just any magic user but I have to be careful. This could end bad for me.

Dark laughter fill my ears and I quickly change form finding I fight better in my cat form. I keep walking in the direction I feel draws me to Raven. I try to reach her with our mind link but she softly pushes me back and I know she don't want me hurt. I send out feelers to test the area around me.

There. Not far behind me on my left. I feel them get closer and then when their in range I strike. I turn on the spot without warning and lash out with my razor sharp claws. I make contact and hear more laughter.

"Oh very nice. I'd expect no less from the weakest brother, or at the time you were." this voice I know it. My insides clinch as the voice reveals themselves of the man I never thought I'd see again. The man that made me the monster I am. The man that started all this.

"Been to long dear Deliverance." He watches me with Icy eyes that turn to blue flames as they take in my cat form. I growl at him and begin to circle him keeping a distance.

"You were the one I really wanted. Your mother wouldn't let me have you though. Neither would that annoying Master of yours, Saber." I see his jaw clinch a bit and it draws my curiosity. He doesn't move but lets me go around him completely. Showing me his back. Taunting me to attack but I wont take the bait. I know this man is evil. I've seen the monster he is under that blond hair and icy eyes. I'll never forget how I couldn't fight him that day for being so weak.

"Instead I got stuck with your nearly useless brother, Arson. He'd be nothing if it wasn't for me and Sweet Rosie." he says her name in a fondness that makes me sick and I show it by hissing.

"Oh don't get me wrong your brother has his uses but still Id have loved to have you instead. You attained all the abilities and even mastered more. You'd have been my saving grace but sadly I am still using this body." he holds out his arms and I see the wound I made with my claws down his middle. Blood weeps from them is thick ribbons making a small pool on the floor. The smell of tainted blood hits me and step back. Dark magic is in that blood.

"Oh I see that you smell it. Your brother hasn't caught on yet. You see he drinks my blood along with my living flames to become stronger along with making his curse worse so it'll kill him in time but not before he does what I need him to do." I slant my eyes at him and he smiles.

"Ah your quick wit is one of the things I really like about you Deliverance. You see since you couldn't become my vassal I have had to make do with this one and you see its falling apart. " He moves and see the movements are jerky.

"So what I need from your brother is his first child. His first son to be precise. I know your wanting to know what this has to do with you. You see he only wants my Rose but I cant take her child because they will not have the gifts I need. So your Raven is the next in line." A dark growl leaves me. I show my teeth to him my canines sharper then a normal jungle cats.

" I'm going to have Arson mate with her to bare him a son with all the gifts and everything I need. When the child reaches the right age Ill kill their soul and take their body. So you see with what I've put into Arson through my blood and living flames Ill use his seed to impregnate Raven to create my new vessel." He laughs harshly and I charge him but he turns to vapor.

"Oh and by the way she should be about to him as we speak. Ill be waiting for the next ten months to see the child she will bare and see my next vessel." my heart drops like a stone and I take off. Pushing into her mind I see the map she has drawn in her head and I race to her. I feel her quickly close off to me knowing she just showed me where she was without meaning to.

In my cat form I make the distance with ease. As I reach the last place she saw I pick up speed but stop as I collide with something in my path. I feel pain shoot all down my side where I touched the hard surface. Looking closer I see I'm bared by a barrier that wasn't there for her. I stalk back and forth at its edge.

I hear distant voices and they sound like Rave and Arson. I growl my frustration and stalk the edge more looking for a way in.

I find none and I start to hear what can only be fighting. Loud bangs make the marble walls shake. I know that there is magic being used at the moment and I swear knowing she didn't really train all that much in the art of war and combat. Whole walls start to crumble from the source of the magic. I hear shouts of rage and then more bangs.

 I feel my panic rise as all is quite for a moment and I hear more words then sharp clangs of metal and I find I'm curious but still scared for her safety. I find that the longer I wait the thinner the barrier become. Seeing this I know that Ill have a way in if I can wait that long. If Raven can wait that long.

I shift back to my human form and walk back and forth watching as the barrier fades. At last I hear her voice and know that she is still alive. I charge down the long hall following her battle cries and words of hate. I hear more booms and know that there is still magic being used but so the sharp clang of metal and then I hear a gun shot. I stop dead where I am my heart beating crazy.

"SHIT! STAY STILL YOU SON OF A BITCH!!" at her harsh words I feel myself release the held in breath. Finally I see a door and the sounds of battle are clearer then ever before. I run into the door in time to see Raven fall to the floor Arson quickly advancing on her. A smile of deep hatred on his once handsome face. Blood covers the room and them and know this was a battle of wit and hell.

Arson raises a sword, a sword I'd know anywhere, the sword that was made for him. The sword that matched mine. He swings it down and I see it all happen before I can think.

"RAVEN!!" I shout her name and slide across the floor. A look of shock then horror covers her beautiful features. I feel something sharp stab through my heart and I watch as her face crumbles into such sadness it hurts. I'm in her arms looking into her odd colored glowing eyes that fill with tears that over flow and land on my cheeks. I smile at her softly.

"My Raven. I love you" she holds me tight to her and I feel so happy and free. Her large beautiful wings rip from her back I watch her beauty take hold. I know she is mine. With a last look at her I let the darkness take me.

The Story Of Raven Lee *watttys2019* A Vampire Fae novelWhere stories live. Discover now