Chapter 31

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I pace the entrance to my chambers having already put on my armor that's like a second skin. I feel it mold to me every time I move so as not to inhibit movement. My bow is on my back with the quiver of arrows fitting right between my shoulder blades. I brush my hand over the Katana at my side feeling it pulse at my touch.

"Almost time to depart Clover. You ready to make this plan to work?" I feel her slide along my skin in an almost hugging sort of way.

"Most Defiantly!!" her voice comes out in an almost purr. I find Im starting to enjoy her company. Smiling to myself I look over at the chest the armor and weapons came form and I know they had to, at one point in time, have been hers.

"Yes Raven they were mine at a time. Now they belong to you. They will change in due time to fit you. I only hope that when it happens they will aid you the right way." I become confused at her words but before I can ask I feel a sharp pull on my now French braided hair. The little Elemental, I've grown to call Mitzy, pops up next to my ear and touches my cheek zapping me. Now with my full focus on her she points to my door and at that moment its thrown open by a panic stricken Ray. She falls to the ground at my feet tears in her eyes.

"Please my mate he has been taken with the guards to the holding cells. I have no idea why?!" I walk up to her and make her stand back up right.

"Anyone who has been under Arson's influence or is under his influence I have asked them to be taken there. I was just nearly killed along with my right hand and Saber by a guard. I cant risk my people. Once Arson is defeated I can heal them all. But right now they must stay where they are so not to hurt anyone or themselves." her eyes fill with more tears but she nods softly.

"Find Fayra and stick with her. I know she has to be worried sick if not scared." at the sound of her daughter's name she seems to snap back to the now.  She stands taller and bows deeply.

"Yes my Queen. Sorry for barging in on you like this I do deeply apologies." Her eyes wonder to Clover and she bows to her too before stepping out the room and closing the doors behind her. 

"Odd. She should have know about all this already." I feel my skin prickle and I share a knowing look with Clover. She turns into her raven from and flies back onto my skin as I charge out the room following a now fast flying Mitzy.

As I come to a corridor a loud BOOM makes my ears ring and I'm thrown against a wall. The high celling starts to crumble around me. I feel a hand grab me jerking me just as huge stones falls right where I had just been. Looking up I see Slade. Blood covers her chest and side.

"We need to go now!" she shouts in my ear as another BOOM rocks the castle. "Arson as sent his first attack. Who knows what he will send next." my eyes meet hers and only one word leaves me.

"Saber?!" my thoughts instantly go to my father.

I stand up and run to his chambers. I see him battling with what looks like a stone statue. He makes the ground split open and the statue is swallowed into the dark depths. He leans heavily against the wall blood coming from an open wound on his chest. His eyes are slightly glassy with pain and he smiles weakly at me.

"Used to strong a spell." he then falls forward and I run to catch him. Slade is right behind me and helps me lift him.

"My chambers. there is a room in there I haven't opened yet. He should be safe in there. Its got runes all around the door."

"Good choice Raven. Those are protective runes. I placed them there myself long ago. They will never fail." Clover slides onto my back as me and Slade carry him.

We make it to my chambers and to the door. I watch as the runes change and a face appears on its wood surface.

"About time my Queen. I've been waiting. We shall talk when you return. I shall protect your father till then." the face speaks and a women's voice is heard. I look to Slade and she shrugs her shoulders.

The door opens to a huge library with books upon books lining uncountable amount of shelves. Nature herself is entering the room from a glade outside the windows. I'm perplexed and amazed but Sabers moan of pain draws me back to what I'm here for.

I walk him into the room and lay him on a table with the help of Slade. A bright light flashes and there stands a figure made of Wood. The wood from the door to be precise.

"I will care for his wounds. Now go. You are needed elsewhere." I feel a force push me and Slade back. Once over the threshold the door closes and the face reappears.

"He will be fine. He is one of our people after all. I will care for the Castile as well. Ill protect it all for you my Queen." and with that the door is just a door with runes.

"I didn't think she would welcome you in so easily. She likes you." Clover slides to my shoulder and I look over at Slade. We both look around and watch as Runes cover the walls and floors of my chamber and I know at the castle is being covered as well.

 I see her nod and then I have this odd urge and I take her hand tightly in mine. with a wave of my other hand I rip open a rift in time and I step through taking her with me. Unlike when I traveled with Rose I don't feel sick. I see different places pass by me till I stop quickly and jerk Slade with me.

We land with a solid thud on the ground. Marble steps are under our feet and I know I chose right.

"You just ripped a rift in space and time. I can only do time!" she looks at in awe and I laugh.

"At least I got it right and didn't cause us any pain." I say back only half joking.

Letting go of her hand I look around and notice that the gate is made of Iron. I shake my head. Must have really hated the Fea. I think to myself. I turn back and see that I some how managed to get inside his proactive barrier, but just barely. I turn to Slade and put my finger to my lips as I see a guard walk by.

We take cover behind a few shrubs and let them pass. They carry with them a type of gun. I think Saber called it AK47. They turn the corner and are gone. Letting out a breath I didn't know I held I take Slade's hand and lead her up the steps into the cold castle. The marble stand out to me in cold contrast to my own warm castle.  we walk for what seems like miles looking in every door we come across many are just empty but others hold things that will give me night mares later.

We come at last to another flight of stares. Looking at each other we have the same thoughts. Down will lead to the holding cells and up will lead to him.

"When you need me just give me a call." she kisses me and I feel a link forge in my mind to hers. I nod to her and she winks at me.

As we are about to part we hear loud footsteps and then gunfire is set lose all around us. Marble is being busted and I hear shouting.

"Shit! We've been caught!" we both duck behind a pillar each. I reach for my revolver spinning it after checking it was loaded and I click one into the chamber. I see Slade watch me from her spot and she forms a ball of metal using her earth magic. She smiles at me sweetly and tosses it in the meddle of them.

"Aim for that!" at her words I take aim an fire. A sliver and gold bullet leaves the barrel and hits the ball and the next thing I know the world is shifted and my ears are ringing.

The Story Of Raven Lee *watttys2019* A Vampire Fae novelWhere stories live. Discover now