plane to Japan! ✈️

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Tsukasa dropped off Hajiro to her kindergarten, waving off to her.

Class has started!

"So everyone.. We have some news! Hajiro is moving back to Japan. Is that correct?"

"Yes.. Um.. Yeah.."

"Today we will make this day special so Hajiro can leave America with tons of memories! What would you like to do first, Hajiro?"

"I wanna um.. Uh.. Make.. Cards!!"

"Cards it is!! Cmon kids, let's make some cards."
The teacher opened the cupboard and took out cards, she then put 1 card each on the kids desks.

"Hajiro!! Wanna sit with me?? We'll make the BEST cards!!!!"

"Oh.. Sure Kaycee."
Hajiro sat next to Kaycee and they got to working on some things, Kaycee was her only friend there. So, she decided to make a drawing of Kaycee and her holding hands and with flowers around them.

"WOAH!! THOSE ARE SO COOL HAJIRO!! My mommy said that most people in Japan call each other with name, then chan or kun! So people in Japan call you Hajiro-chan?"

"Well.. I haven't been to Japan in a long time. But i guess so.. My dads call me "sweetheart" but i think some of my dads friends call me 'Haji-kun' or 'Hajiro-chan.' Like you mentioned.."

"That's super cool!!!!! My card is done, how about yours?"

"It's done.. I can't wait to show this to Ms Nazuika."


"School is over! Did everyone have fun? Especially you Hajiro! What do you think?"

"Today was super fun.. I'll miss everyone here tho. And i really enjoyed my time here.."

"Awhh, that's so sweet.. Alright kids. It's time to go home. Hajiro, i see your dad there!"
The girl turned around and ran to her dad, hugging his leg.

"Hi sweetheart, awh, are you gonna miss your friends?"
Tsukasa asked, kneeling down.

"Yes.. I'll really miss Kaycee. But.. I'll make new friends in Japan right?"

"I'm sure you will! You're so loveable, how could you not? How about you say your goodbyes first."

Hajiro nodded and turned around, she hugged Kaycee. "I'm gonna miss you a lot.. We'll stay in contact, right Kayce?"

"Of course!! You're my friend here, if you can, talk to me!!"

"Alright then.. Bye everyone.."


On the plane, Hajiro looked out the window, this view was super cool.. The lights below, and the starry night sky. Not to mention her dad was listening to 88 keys/stars.

"Goodbye America.. Hello Japan."

"Sweetheart are you not getting tired? You can sleep. Daddy will keep you safe."

"But..! This view is so cool.. A-a-n.. *yawn.."

"Andd she fell asleep. The view is definitely good tho! Hm? Tsukasa-kun?"
Rui looked toward his side to see Tsukasa fast asleep on his shoulder. Rui smiled and kissed Tsukasa's forehead. He then tried to sleep as well.

Finally in Japan!


Mizuki pointed to Rui and Tsukasa, with a little girl running full speed at Mizuki.


They both hugged each other, Akito did a fake disgusted face while Toya smiled softly.

"Uncle Toya!! Uncle Akito!! Hi hi!!"

"Pshhh.. Hi."



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