Aftermath Of Rain! 🌈🌤🌟

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A/n : do NOT play Genshin Impact for 3 hours straight I have been sick for 2 days because of it.

"Hm? Who is that at the door?" Tsukasa picked up Hajiro as Rui watched as they were going to open the door. Those fancy ahh doors that somehow are good and worth the 87k yen.

"Auntie.. Emu!??? Nene!???"

The bright pink and greyish green haired aunts. A lot people called Emu the 'sunshine of the neighborhood' and Nene the 'sunshine's grumpy wife'. Not that it mattered really, a lot of people just thought that.

"WAHAHAHA!! WANDAHOII, MY NIECE!!!!!! HAVE YOU BEEN DOING WELL?? YOU ARE THE CUTEST!!!!" Emu immediately picked up her niece and spun her around, the dark and gloomy house turning into one full of sunshine in an instant.

"WEEEEE!! AUNTIE EMU!!!" Rui let the two be, spinning, dancing, whatever, he hadn't seen Nene in some time. Tsukasa was not expecting it at all, and when the door opened, wind messed up his perfect hair, perfect everything!!!

"Have a cup of tea. Oh, honey, can you grab the marshmallows? I have an idea." Nene almost puked at the pet name, out of everything, honey? She turned her head away from the two and slightly gagged.

"Marshmallows? Let me see.. Oh! And I'll get some chocolate too. But no animal marshmallows!!! OKAY!???" Tsukasa entered the pantry, the cabinet which he had clearly recalled stocked with sweets. One of them being soda candies, but that's because Rui likes them so much.

Opening the cabinet, Tsukasa's face dropped.

He clearly had restocked the marshmallows..



Grinning through the lies, Hajiro kept giggling at the fact she was able to eat all marshmallows without getting caught. Truly a ninja!

"Ah, it's fine love. Though, Hajiro, don't eat things without our permission. Especially since you ate the whole bag.. Do we have anything else, darling?" Nene cringed and gave Rui a glance of disgust, those dang pet names were making her sick to her stomach.

"Hmm... Don't see anything. How about something HEALTHY? Like.. Broccoli!" Rui's face dropped as Tsukasa opened the fridge, isn't there a policy on no veggies for Rui!? 

"Pfft. Deal with it, Rui, I'm sure a couple of vegetables won't kill you. Does Hajiro eat vegetables?"

"Well yes but.. Hajiro just takes her likings after her other dad. Nothing wrong with that.."

"Then I think you better take after them too. I don't usually defend Tsukasa, but you should eat vegetables." Nene sighed and grabbed the remote control. "I'm bored, any good shi..SH...SHIIII-SHI....
SSSHHH.. SHILLIRIOUS SHOWS!" Rui glared at Nene when she was about to curse, she can curse all she liked as long as it was not infront of Hajiro.

"Hajiro, come here sweetheart." Rui cooed, Hajiro waved to her aunt before running up to the couch, struggling a bit to climb on. Once she did, Rui sat her next to him.

"Last night I picked up some call from a random karen. She said something like my cars extended warranty. I just hung up because Emu owns a car not me and it's not in our conjoined bank."

"Hehe~ karens huh? Hmm. I think we have some videos of your singing! Wouldn't that be nice?"


Rui switched the channel to a pre-recorded live of Nene singing, a pink dress with a red bow and puffed up sleeves. Which is suspected to be one of Rui's designs.

"W.. Woah!! Auntie Nene, you really sing beautifully!! I wanna sing like you, too!!"
Hajiro's eyes sparkled as she looked up at Nene, she had always liked her aunt's singing voice, and even curious after her dads told her about it.

"Thanks.. Hajiro. You know what, just.. Leave it on, Rui." Nene smiled softly and turned towards her phone, giving slight glances at Hajiro to see if she was still watching.

"Tsukasa!! I think me and Nene brought.. YEAH!! MARSHMALLOWS!! CAN I HELP!? CAN I HELP!?" Emu was now talking to Tsukasa in the kitchen, obviously, she knew the layout of the house very well, even though it was quite big! Why? Well.. Because.. She bought the house for them. Yeahh, Tenmas are hecking rich, but after begging her parents, she bought them their house.

"Ghh!? Why didn't you just say!! EMU!!"


Very brief process of what Emu and Tsukasa are making. Feel free to create at home.

"First, melt some chocolate and prepare your marshmallows.. Hmm.. Right! Tsukasa!! Make sure to not get your fingers stuck in the microwave, and try not to scream like a baby this time. That wasn't even that bad you know!" Emu playfully said, smiling as she got the marshmallows out.

"Right.. Right.. And then, prepare some mashed up biscuits, and milk." As Emu put the chocolate into the microwave, Tsukasa began mashing up some biscuits in a bag. An easy task, obviously.

"And then.. We can make anything!! I wanna make a cute cat, with a cute dog, and they'll just be super cute!!" Once the chocolate was done melting, Emu shaped the marshmallows relatively cat like and poured chocolate all over. Obviously in a tray. Then, she poured the biscuit crumbs all over.

"After it dries, I'll do the same thing to the other side!! Tsukasa, what are you making??" Emu turned towards her friend, who seemed to be lost in thought.

"I wanna make.. Something nice for Rui. He's been pretty restless, and busy with show stuff." Tsukasa said quietly, knowing his husband was just in the living room.

"AWHH!! How sweet~~!! Tsukasa, you're very thoughtful! How about like.. You make a heart that says I love you, R + T, or some cute quotes, just in general cute stuff you know!!" She suggested happily, well.. He could make stuff like that.

Well, off to baking!!!

Idk just imagine a montage of them making shillirious things. Let me sing a song to keep you guys entertained.



Ruikasa after having the best middle parts ever. Like not lying I ascended when I heard Fixer and Bungaku Nonsense middle part for the first time. Whyy do Colpal cuts out the best parts smhhhh

"RUI!!! NENE!!! WE MADE SNACKS!!!!!!" Tsukasa yelled so loud the neighborhood heard it, even Hajiro who was transfixed on the TV got snapped back to reality because of it.

"Uwahhh!! Dad, what did you make!? I wanna try!!" She stood on the couch, expecting to be the first one to try the delicious treats the two had made.

"Tadaa! Marshmallows covered in chocolate covered in biscuit crumbs covered in chocolate. Well then, Rui! It is my honor to say you are the first one to try!"

"Hehe~ looks like I get the special treatment today." Rui got up from the couch and Tsukasa handed him one of the ones he made, a piano with a sign infront that said. 'Words can't describe how much I love you. Can I play it instead?' Cheesy. He got it off of pinterest.

"Awh~ how sweet! I love you." Rui took a bite of the piano, clearly liking it. The soft but crunchy feel of the biscuit and the sweetness of the chocolate. It was perfect.

"Mhm.. Mhm!! Sho.. Good!! Tsukasa, you really know how to make delicious treats!! Well of course, you can cook really well-"


"Oh, my bad, fufu~!"

They all laughed happily, enjoying the treats, and being with each other.

Except Hajiro, she had a revenge plan.

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