Monster Under The Bed! 🛏🪑(then vs now)

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#monsters #dramatic #ruikasa #movies #theater #orororoeoeoeoeororrrrorororrr #authorwaitingforfnafmovie


"See? Isn't Shibuya amazing? A theater so close to the house! In Tokyo, we drive like an hour to the theater."
"Yeah but I miss Tokyo.. I miss my friends, Iora, Yuki, and Mina."

"Hajiro are you sure you can handle this? This is a horror film after all. Don't want you to not sleep."
"Nope! I'm a big girl now! I can handle anything!"
Rui laughed, if his daughter can truly handle this, can the grown adult with blonde hair also handle it?

The movie was gonna start, popcorn check, drinks check, and warm clothing check. Usually it was super cold in the theater, so it was a must. And the film started.

Tsukasa was not gonna let himself scream! Nope! He could scream if it was at home.. But this was in a public area! No way!

"Jason!? Jason..? JASON!"
Amanda called, she found the 'hanging body' of Jason. Yet.. He had no arms or legs. One of his eyeballs lodged out of the socket, it was a gruesome sight.

"Kyack-!! Daddy!! Don't cover my eyes.!!" Rui didn't respond, he already had Tsukasa literally shaking face down into his shoulder. If he didn't see the movie, he wouldn't scream! Obviously Tsukasa was a genius.

"JASON!! Oh my.. TRACEY! TRACEY! TRACEY WHERE ARE YOU!? STACEY!? LACEY!?" Amanda still couldn't find her friends, the acey trio were no where. That's when it struck her. 'Why does this all.. Feel familiar? Like deja vu? Like I already saw Jason's body before.. But then.. What happened to Tracey, Stacey, and Lacey. They're all gone..'

A jumpscare suddenly came on. A ghost that looked like Amanda suddenly came on, Amanda screamed and fell, right to her death.

"AAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" Tsukasa screamed in lowercaps, even tho he was not looking at the movie, the sound alone got him screaming into Rui's neck. Rui let Tsukasa be on him and even pulled him closer.

as the film ended, Rui yawned, Tsukasa almost slept but Rui kept him awake to avoid security. Shenanigans are when the kids aren't here. "Daddy!! Can we go to that umm. Cool place!? I wanna show it to you and dad!!" Hajiro pointed to the inside aquarium. It had fish inside, Rui thought it looked cool, and Tsukasa thought it'd make a cool instagram post.

"Sure, honey bunny, can you hold Hajiro?" Rui gave over Hajiro to Tsukasa, he took his samsung galaxy pro max 14 phone out and zoomed in on the aquarium. Awh.. No platypuses. That's alright.

Tsukasa held Hajiro and Rui took a few pictures, it looked pretty cute. Then, Rui held Hajiro, and Tsukasa took the pics. They were both good, and then they took a family picture. Rui had an album full of family pictures, he liked to scroll on it.

"Alright, let's go home. You had a fun day, right sweetheart?"
"Yup yup yup!! Super fun!!"
Rui chuckled, he held Hajiro's hand since she insisted she didn't want to be held. Tsukasa was taking pictures for Instagram. Typical celebrity stuff.


"Hey!! Come back here young lady!!"
Tsukasa chased Hajiro, afraid she'd fall in the bathroom. It was quite slippery. "I wanna be a unicorn!! Fairy!!"

Tsukasa finally caught Hajiro, he washed her hair again and dried her off. "Rui! Is dinner ready yet??" "Not yet! But still cooking." Tsukasa carried Hajiro to her room, presumably to put her clothes on.

Just some pajamas, and because she insisted, the horn headbands. Tsukasa dried her hair and brushed it, smelled nice as always! That shampoo is super miracle.

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