maybe it isn't so scary! 🍰

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"Hey, you're gonna do just fine sweetheart. Good luck, i love you."

"I love you too! Bye daddy! Bye dad!"
The girl went to her school as Tsukasa and Rui watched, soon, they drove home.


"Hey! What's your name?"

"Aaa! Oh, you scared me. I'm Hajiro Tenma, the new kid."

"Oh!!! I'm Iora, Iora Tsumeki! Would you like to be friends with me?"
Being surprised by the question, Hajiro nodded but then questioned. "But.. Am i not weird?? I have two dads and the others have a mommy and daddy.."

"Well.. My sister has a girlfriend! So i don't see what's weird with your dads! Now follow me to my friends!!"


"Yay!! Fun!! These are my friends, Yuki Hanikyo, and Mina Sato! Guys, this is our new friend! Hajiro!"

The twos eyes lit up, squealing. "Tenma-chan!! I've always wanted to talk with you, i'm excited to be your friend!!!"

"R-really!? Woah.."

"Class! Let's all send letters to your parents time. Cmon, everyone!"

The teacher called. They all ran excitedly and started writing, the following letters may cause a stroke to your brain.

"Dear Daddy and Dad
I had a fery vun dai today!!
I aktualy med some friends!!
There names are Iora, Yuki, and Mina!
Just like u said, i made niw friends!
And i ̶k̶o̶u̶l̶d̶n̶t couldn't be more happier!!"

"Hello Mommy!!! And daddy!
Very fun today
I like new friend
Made new friend

"Hi mom
It is your best and favorite child Mina!!
Today me and my crew made a new friend
The new kid!! Shes alone so we decided to befriend her
Shes really cool!!"

"Hi dad, and mom

Hey, they are 4-5 year olds okay? Take it easy on them, spelling is the least of their worries. Mina was definitely ahead, but she needs to learn what apostrophes are.

"Hey, Tenma-chan!! What do you want us to call you?"

"Uhmm.. Hm.. Some people called me Hajiro-kun, but also Hajiro-chan. I think one time my uncle called me Haji-kun.."

"Ooo!! Haji-kun is nice, you can call me Mina-chi!"

The four talked about things they liked, before it was about parents.

"Well, my mommy said we'd go to moremore mall soon! I'M SO EXCITED!! Haji-kun, do you know moremore mall?"

"Yeah, of course i know moremore mall! My dad is friends with the sponsors there. I consider Shizuku kinda like an aunt!"

The three's eyes sparkled hearing their friend talk, now, they wonder who Hajiro's dad is!

"My dad is Tsukasa Tenma, but my daddy is Rui Kamishiro. Tho they discussed about changing daddy's last name to Tenma. I think Kamishiro is really pretty! Why not Rui Kamishiro Tenma?"

"Don't parents usually become friends with other parents? So like.. Your parents should be friends with my parents!"

"Hmm.. That's a good idea! Why don't your parents have a talk with mine?"

"That would be amazing!"


"DADDY!!! DAD!!!"

Rui held his arms open as his daughter crashed into them, he picked her up and laughed.

"I actually had a fun day today! And i made new friends."

"New friends? That's awesome! What are their names?"

"Iora, Yuki, and Mina! Oh!! Look, there's Mina-chi and Iora-chan!"
Hajiro jumped down and went over to the two, Yuki was already picked up.

"Mina-chi, Iora-chan, those are my parents. Cmon!"
Being dragged by their bff, Mina and Iora were now terrified. Well, only Mina.

"Haji-kun..your dad is so..tall.."

43 cm vs 190 cm.

"Hm? Is he? I don't think daddy is that tall!"

"Ruri, what are we gonna eat for dinner? I'm craving some ginger pork!"

"Ginger pork? Hmm.. I'll see what i can make. Cmon Hajiro, let's go home."

"Okay!! Bye Mina-chi, bye Iora-chan!!"
Waving off to her friends, Hajiro got in the car. Her dad next to her and her other dad driving, (Tsukasa is driving, obviously. Even tho Rui has a license.)


"Meow. Meow meow, meow meow? Meow!!! ; ah. Wonderland life, where humans? Wait!!"

"Charlotte, we're home! Who's a good kitty?"
Rui picked up Charlotte, he always liked owning cats. It was like a prototype child, so, they have 2 children?

"You're so funny Rui! But anyways, are we having ginger pork for dinner?"

"Of course darling! No need to debate on that one, aren't I the best chef when i'm not blowing up bombs?"

"Don't tell me you made another one Mr Alchemist..!!"

"Catch me if you can, you cannot!"
Rui jumped and ran as fast as he could from sight, that man is a fucking maniac when he jumps and runs.

"Dad, why are other grown ups boring but daddy is a um.. Uh... Cra----..carkey.. Carkeyz person?"



"Hey darling? Can you help me with this? I just need you to attach this while i'm holding this."

Ah! Seems like Rui was recording a youtube video! He owned a channel about robotics and how to fix things. With about 1 million subscribers! Like the amazing husband he is, he went over there but still out of view.

"Alright! Thanks, now. As i was saying, the next step would be."

Tsukasa kissed Rui's cheek and ruffled his hair, still out of view. Rui smiled and kissed him back.

"Ah, right. So, now the USB card should be inserted in here, you can check out my video on how to insert codes into the USB in the top corner. Now.. Let me power this on."

'Meow? Meow..'

"Welcome to the world, robocat! What would you like to name yourself?"

"Robocat.. Meow.. Mia."

"Oh, well then. Welcome to the world, robocat Mia. Anyways, like and subscribe for more robots. I'm gonna show this to my daughter."

The recording stopped and Rui stretched, he picked up Robocat Mia and went his way to the living room.

"Hey guys, look what i made."

"Woah!!! Is that a... Robocat!? Can i see daddy!? Can i see!?"

"Sure! Just be careful with her."

Rui let down Robocat Mia and his daughter picked it up, he sat next to Tsukasa on the couch.

"8 hours for a Robocat?"

"Yeah. Honestly, i didn't even think of a Robocat until now! Isn't that amazing?"

"Yeah.. Sure is amazing."

The meow end

Help i wanna make a birthday special but it isn't March 12th yet

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