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Imagine that one instagram like board where u have green that fades into yellow yeah they are there. Also bc this is confusing i'm just gonna put a slash. Also if there's only 1 text and no slash, it's either one person talking at a time or I got lazy to put a slash since they said the same thing anyway.

"And.. We're here! Darling, wake up./and.. We're here! Darling, wake up."

The two Rui's said, they both had a Tsukasa sleeping on their shoulder. And a kid in arm.


The two Rui's laughed as they tapped on their kids shoulder, waking their kid up. "Daddy.. Are we there yet..?/mommy.. Are we there yet..?"

"We are sweetheart, cmon. There should be an ice cream stand somewhere./we are champ. Cmon, there should be an ice cream stand somewhere."

The two kids screamed seeing each other and the parents, quickly hiding. "Why are there two other dads but girls../why are there two other moms but boys.."

"Because your dad is crazy and made a machine to universe jump and meet up with genderbends!!/because your mom is crazy and made a machine to universe jump and meet up with genderbends!!"

The Tsukasas answered, frankly, the 2 children were scared out of their mind. Where in the universe were they!? One's moms now were dads in front of him, and one's dads now were moms infront of her.

"Ah, I always knew i'd look good even as the opposite gender. It's not uncommon for me to dwell on the universe I suppose.. But farewell, now, there are many other things to accommodate for."

"Why are you always making sentences longer with weird words?"

The two Rui's removed their each Tsukasa's brown jacket, giggling in response. "Well, just let me assist you, star! What type of director would I be?"

The Tsukasas sighed, she snapped her finger, and he clapped his. "Yes sir../yes ma'am.." The Ruis carried their spouse to a nearby bench, practically fawning.

With the kids..

"So.. Do you like.. Soccer..?"

"Yeah! I love soccer, mommy supported me, and mom too!"

"Oo.. Same!! I won some trophys.. Dad and daddy were super proud."

Hajiro and well.. Hajiro talked for some time. But then things started to get heated when a kids fight happened.

"But what abo-"

"Nope!! No no no!!

"What!? No no, that can't be right, i'm 5 but not stupid!!"

"We're the same person just different genders, *****!!"

The 4 gasped, quickly running to the kids who weren't far at all. Tsukasa grabbed Hajiro and hoisted him up. "Young man where did you learn that word?"

"At school, from Mina! I swear I didn't mean to use that word."
Hajiro got picked up by Rui, Rui pondered something in thought. Just then, Hajiro stuck her tongue out at other Hajiro. That's when boy Hajiro lost it, and said something along the lines of... Bad.

"Hajiro Tenma, do not say those words."

"Hey.. Since it's just genderbending, do you reckon my Hajiro knows those words as well?"

"Probably yeah. She certainly knows now. And maybe even worse, but me and my wife try to educate our son correctly."

Having beef with her genderbend, Hajiro made a mocking face as she turned to Rui. Hugging him. "I never thought it'd be like this. Since Hajiro is a good kid.."

"That is.. Oddly weird."

; part 1 complete

A/n : i'm gonna do a filler chap until part 2

Normal Day As A Parent. /RUIKASAWhere stories live. Discover now