The Night Sky Stars. 🌠🎇🌌

166 3 49

Age : 15 🐓🐓 I lovechicken amoji

A/n : no one cares but IAMchat got an update. Follow and vote if you get that.

Patchnotes :

Old ver:
Groups chats can only exceed 50 members max.
Your display name will be the one visible to everyone, and if someone has named your contact something else, your display name will automatically change that contact name to your display name.

New ver :
Group chats can exceed 100 members max.
Your display name will be visible in group chats, but if someone has your contact saved as something else, they will see that contact name instead

"Ruru." Tsukasa called, Rui, working on his machines, gave a quick flinch jump before turning to look at his husband. His husband, dazzled in the light of the dark room by a seemingly mysterious light source approached him.

"It's.. Been a long time since our last date. Last month, I think. Do you wanna go stargazing? Hajiro should be fine, just give her rules or something." Tsukasa put his hand on Rui's shoulder, causing the younger to let out a small squeak. Noticeable, and quite adorable.

"Y.. Yeah.! Yeah.. Just.. Us two. Uhmm- I.. Uh.." Rui's face was quickly heating up, and fast. Tsukasa had leaned and put his head on Rui's shoulder, wrapping his arms around him and pressing a light kiss against his cold neck.

"Cmon... Stop being a boy failure for once just because I kissed your neck. So, what'd ya say?" Rui had probably stopped functioning at that point, his mind had stopped just as quickly as he was to almost finishing his project. The gears were still in his hand moving, but the ones in his head weren't. At all.

"I'll take that as a yes," Tsukasa kissed Rui's cheek. "Get back to working on whatever that is. I'll see you at dinner, I love you, Ruru." He kissed Rui again, ruffled his hair and closed the door as he exited the room.

Rui.exe has stopped working.


"Dadsss! Can I invite my friends over?? You know, Mina, Ira, and Yuki! Won't even leave a mess, pretty promise~" their daughter said casually, leaning in as if to bargain a deal. Tsukasa looked at her skeptical as he kept his hands on the paper he had in hand.

"Hmm, for me, it'd be okay. Just remember to stay safe and lock the doors, me and your dad are going on a date. And you better promise it's only those 3." Rui leaned on Tsukasa's shoulder, playing with the little strands of hair.

"Pinky promise!! Thanks dad, I'll be calling my girlfriends now!!" Hajiro left the living room, ready to prepare for her friends to come over.

Meanwhile, Rui had some other ideas.

"You know," he started. "When you said about the date thing.. I'm only wondering why you suddenly called me Ruru. I mean, you used to call me that in highschool but now it's usually honey, sweetpie, legal husband, or what sorts. Is there something you want, Tsu?"

"Well.. I wanted to persuade you. And I know you can't resist what you somehow call cute of me! So I figured that if I called you Ruru, you would.. Agree." Tsukasa looked at Rui with a guilty pleasure type of look, his fluffy hair fell down on his shoulders, and just the look on his eyes.

It was so mesmerizing.

"Oh Tsu!! How can I ever resist you? How can I even say no to you? No matter how you look, or whatever names you call me to persuade me, you don't need to do any of that, you're my husband and of course I'm going to-" Rui cut himself off by kissing Tsukasa. "Follow you and try to fulfill your needs. There's no shame in that." Another kiss.

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