Happy Birthday!! 🎈

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"Rawr." Tsukasa tried to ignore the obvious poking on his leg, as he was working on something important, but it seemed like the poking won. He spun around his chair, picking the small child up. "Alright, what do you want? Candy? Food? Play soccer? I'm making something for your dad."

The small child laughed and put down the dinosaur hood, this time poking Tsukasa's cheek. "I wanna help!! I wanna make something for daddy too. Rawr!!" Tsukasa laughed slightly and fully plopped his daughter onto his lap, and her eyes were fully fixated on the bright screen. (Brighter than my future, BTW I PASSED MY GRADE AND RANKED 8!! >:DDDD)

"No biting you dinosaur, or that is your goal. Just, stick to helping okay? I'm a bit busy today.." Tsukasa leaned down and kissed her cheek, focusing on his computer yet again.

'Rui likes cats. Obviously. Or does he like dogs more? We have 2 cats but he did say he likes golden retrievers who are loud and bright.. Maybe I should put some golden retriver stickers! He'll like that. Oh, and I'll get him a platypus plushy.'

Lost in thought, Tsukasa started adding well, the things that he would need on the card. He didn't even notice Hajiro had fallen asleep and was dozing off quietly, still in the dinosaur onesie. Once he finally realized the fast asleep child, he giggled slightly and carried her, slowly opening the door with one hand while holding her in the other. Carefully making steps to her room, Tsukasa opened the door and gently put her in bed.

He turned off the lights and turned on the nightlight, caressing her head before a kiss on the cheek, then starting to exit the room.



Turning back, a dinosaur paw tugged at his shirt, not letting go at all. His heart melted at the sight, so.. Maybe just a few more minutes wouldn't hurt.

"Can you read me a story..? I wanna hear a story.."

"Hmm.. A story! Aha! I know just the one! Ahem.."

Tsukasa sat on the edge of the bed.

Once upon a time, there lived a cat. Its fur soft and warm, keeping it from the cold. Despite this, the cat lived a lonely but warm life. With just its mama and papa, the cat lived a comfortable life, sure, but it never had any friends. The other cats strayed away from it, even afraid, but the reasoning the cat didn't understand. The others said the cat was too risky, and maybe even being able to harm the others. The cat grew up lonely, with just its momma and papa to comfort it. But one day, when the cat was walking through a place that it had never been before, it met a dog. 'A dog.. I've never seen many dogs around here. It's mostly cats, bunnies, and more. Is this dog new?' No, indeed the doh wasn't new. It was almost contradicting, the cat was new. Not the dog. The cat ultimately took interest in the dog, watching it from afar. How the dog acted, its interest, and most importantly, the dog itself. With a matter of time, and by luck, the cat suddenly met the dog on the roof of a house. The poor dog was seemingly sad, scared, and confused. "Hello, sorry to bother you. Are you scared?" The dog looked at the cat surprised, ears perked up and tail wagging. "Aa! You scared me.. I'm.. I don't know how I got on the roof of this house. Are you.. Not new? I've never been on the roof." The cat smiled sheepishly and sat next to the dog. "I've been here for some months. I often go to this roof, by the house over there. No need to be scared, it might seem scary, but I'm a natural at roof sitting."

The dog wagged its tail even more, looking at the cat with hope. "Really!? I hope I can learn some things from you.. But, I heard from the other cats that you're kinda scary and dangerous.. I don't know if I can trust you." The cat's smile dropped, and it looked away from the dog. "I.. I get that. It's alright. But, if you ever do want to know more about roofs, I'm always on the roof."

Normal Day As A Parent. /RUIKASAWhere stories live. Discover now