Morning, Tenmas!! 🌤🌈

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Rui Tenma by marriage is real btw, AND SORRY FOR OVERSTEPPING THE 1 MONTH TIME LIMIT HEHE...sowwy 💔💔

Oh and you can tell who's phone or recalling chats it is by the names.

My star, Alchemist = Rui's phone

Your star. , love, Rui<3 = tks phn

I need at least some content so morning routine.

6 Am.

Tsukasa woke up quietly, rubbing his eyes as his eyes adjusted to the darkness of the room. Rui was still sleeping peacefully beside him, hair sprawled out with an undeniably cute expression plastered on, with the sound of soft snoring accompanying.

Rui usually woke up first, but he had passed out due to activities from the other day. Like the good husband he is, he decided to let Rui stay in a bit.

.. But not without a kiss!

He ruffled Rui's hair as a bit of cute aggression took over, pampering his face with kisses as he calmed down. Smiling as he composed himself, Tsukasa got up from the bed and left the room for the one neighbouring.


Lucky for Tsukasa, he was one of the dads.

Knock knock..

"Hajiro~" Tsukasa called out, opening the door gently and entering, turning on the light. He walked closer to Hajiro, rubbing her forehead as he tapped her shoulder.

"Good morning, my starlight. You have school today, cmon, wake up!" Tsukasa patted her hair, Hajiro was dressed in a dinosaur onesie (picked and bought by her, well money was Rui's.), blanket thrown onto the floor.

"Mh..? Dad..?"

"You're awake, my starlight! Cmon, let's get ready, you have school today." Tsukasa picked up Hajiro carefully, kissing her forehead as he exited the room, now with a dinosaur in his hands.

"What do you wanna eat? Oh, but no pancakes. You'll get a sore throat if you eat them too often! You'll get sick my starlight."

"What..?? Noooo.. I want pancakes!!"
Tsukasa set Hajiro down in a chair, tucking her hair away behind her ear, pinching lightly on her cheek. "You'll just have to see what I cook. Patience! I myself aren't that ready." Hajiro stared off into whatever furniture, waiting for her food to be finished.

"I had a dream."

"Oh? A dream? What was it about?"

"... I was chased by a scary looking woman.. And then a unicorn came and saved me! It was so cool, it went like pew-pew-pew-pew!"

Tsukasa chuckled as he continued making food, listening to his daughter ramble on about her dream. She seemed happy, and if she's happy, he is too.

"Dad.. After you read the story yesterday.. I wonder, what is true love?? Why did the dog love the cat?"

Ah, The story Tsukasa read yesterday, a cat and a dog,

"Well, exactly that. Even though the dog thought the cat was weird, after getting to know each other, spending time, even if the cat was weird, that was what the dog loved. The cat was the dog's weirdo, and the cat loved the dog as well."

The smell of fried rice with a nutty smell of egg wafted into Hajiro's nose as she looked up at Tsukasa who was going to set the hot steaming food down.

"YAY!! FRIED RICE!! WEHEE!!" Hajiro stood on her chair, grabbing desperately for a plate.

...she doesn't have the best luck with chairs.

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