party all day!🎉🎊 (and an accidentall trip the SEKAI..)

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This chapter is brought to you by Alice as an attempt to reduce swearing in their fics because there is a child in these fics. Author says fluff swears too much and she's trying to make it disappear by using this fanfic. Yay i just used my 3 prns.

As the car pulled up, Mizuki jumped excitedly and so did Ena.


Tsukasa, Rui, and the little girl exited the car and greeted the two, Rui doing a bow, since it's a habit he got from doing shows.

"Heya guys! Enanan, Mizuki. We're here now, sorry it took so long. Someone had a hard time getting out of bed."
Rui looked at Tsukasa and rolled his eyes, he grinned and entered the mansion. (How are discord users living in a mansion!??)

"Oh! Hajiro, hi!"
Airi waved to the girl, Hajiro ran to her and got on one of the chairs.

Popping open a bottle, Akito drank it easily. Ena slapped her brother lightly, "hey! That's your 5th bottle. Don't drink anymore, i'm not having vomit in my toilet!! And that was a warning sign, if i see another can in your hand, your face will be redder then how red Toya can make you."

Ena threatened, Akito rolled his eyes and was about to pick up another drink before Tsukasa snatched it before he could. "Haha! What is this? I can chug this down in 5 seconds, watch, as the greatest star, Tsukasa Tenma, chugs down this can easily!"

Tsukasa stated loudly, everyone's attention went to him, he opened the can and chugged in down easily.

Rui admired him as he got one of the cans, he opened it and drank pretty slowly. He was a responsible drinker after all, Akito was now banned from the cans yet when An drank 7, Ena didn't mind it at all. As Ena should.

With Hajiro..

"Ahem!! One, two, three!"
The music started, Hajiro watched as her aunts (poly/need ikr) practiced Peaky Peaky.

"I'm gonna be the biggest Leo/Need fan!!"


"Heyyy Rui.... You look.. Really pretty today! Why did i just realize your eyes are superrrrrr pretty? Woahhh.. Your lips seem really softttt..."

And there goes Tsukasa. All drunk again, Rui was not because he only drank about 2 slowly and he had a strong stomach. Tsukasa rubbed Rui's lips and smiled drunkly, Rui pulled Tsukasa off of him and patted his head.

"Tsukasa-kun.. You're drunk again. How abou-
Unwarned, Tsukasa kissed Rui, it was kinda awkward since Tsukasa had his hands practically pinching on the clothes of Rui's shoulders, but he quickly adjusted to wrapping his arms around Rui's neck and one on the back of his hair.

"Woahhhh... Mr Kamishiro... Your lips are sooo soft... Would you likeee to spend the night with meeeeeee?"

"Tsukasa-kun. We are literally married, you're drunk."

Tsukasa hugged Rui and caressed his neck. Rui was literally just in a fog at this point because he didn't know what to do.

The call of his daughter made Rui act fast, he pushed Tsukasa lightly and as his daughter ran, Tsukasa bumped into his phone on the table, ooo.. What's this song? He pressed on it.

The laughter and joyful music filled his ears.

"Woahahahhaha!!! This is... Soo....."
Tsukasa wandered around, Rui and his daughter being also transported as well.

"The SEKAI? Oh no.. Hajiro, we need to find your dad asap."
Rui did a dramatic pointing pose, he ran a bit until he found a familiar figure.

"KAITO, uhm... Have you seen Tsukasa?"

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