Celebrity on Tiktok! 📱🍪

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The contrast difference of Rui and Tsukasa's accs were very major.

On an average Tsukasa post, it would be about his life as a famous actor, promotions, and any other celebrity acc. He only followed 1 person, which of course would be Rui.

But on the other hand, Rui's content varied a lot. Sometimes there was makeup tutorials, inventions, robots, being a dad, being a husband to some famous actor, and etc.

"Hey guys so like.. I'm gonna be performing at a concert soon!! With Nene!! And you can watch me do my skincare routine."

Oh? Tsukasa was filming a video. He was in a robe and Rui was pretty proud of him. Why? Because he hadn't covered with freckles with makeup. Before, Tsukasa was embarrassed about his freckles and didn't want anyone to know he had them.

"Not sponsored but I really like this uhm.. Type of cleanser, like it works really good for my skin!!! Rui actually bought this for me since he thought it'd be a great match, and he was right!"

Rui felt butterflies in his stomach, something just makes his heart flutter when Tsukasa brings him up, especially infront of an audience.


Like a typical soon to be 5 year old, kids just like to scream about being hungry. (I used to screech at my mom so this is an understatement tbh.)

"Sorry sweetie, go ask your daddy okay? I'm doing my skin care routine."

"Okay... I'll go ask daddy!!"

The 4 year old left and ran off to who knows where, Tsukasa continued his video.

"Now.. I'm actually gonna also do some makeup wow surprising so brb."

There was a cut off to when Tsukasa finished his skincare, he grabbed a mirror and there was some makeup on his table.

"Okay first we're gonna put on some foundation.. I found this while shopping with my husband, and it's been going strong!!"

Tsukasa put the foundation, it covered his freckles but still, the foundation really matched him.

"BLENDD!! And I have a pretty good blending technique as well. Don't need blush because my cheeks are already very rosy naturally. Also concealer, let me put on some concealer.. And blend. Again."

Ok.. Now the tricky part. Eyeshadow and.. E-eyeliner..

"Okay so eyeshadow and eyeliner. I can't do this, RUI!!!! HONEY!!!"


Rui ran to Tsukasa, confused a bit.
"I can't do my eyeshadow and eyeliner.. Woops. Can you help me?"

"Ah! Sure. I am very good at eyeliner."
Rui bent down to help Tsukasa, no wonder Tsukasa asked Rui for help. Rui has like 100 bottles of eyeliner! And he doesn't go a day without eyeliner.

Tsukasa gave Rui the eyeshadow pallette, pointing to the brown one. Rui dabbed it on carefully, some observations were made in the process tho.

"Alright! Now for the eyeliner. Yellow of course! Stars are yellow, i'm a star!"

Rui did a pretty unique eyeliner look. There was some stars, and he totally nailed it.

"Thanks!!! I love you!!!"

"Haha, love you too. Just yell for me if you need anymore help."

Rui left and Tsukasa turned back to the camera, "Alright now that my amazing husband has helped me with my makeup, let us g-"


"Welp.. Bye guys!! Star out!!"

And post! What an amazing video with a way to shove in that you all are single. Now.. Where did Rui go?

"Hey guys, Rui here! I'm currently hiding from my daughter. So that I-"

"FOUND YOU!! Now come on!! I'm hungryyyy!!!"
Rui never knew how strong kids could be. He was a literal 24 year old up against a 4 year old that is not even half his height!! And he was being dragged like dust!

"Nevermind dad!! I found him!! Wanna join us cooking!???"

Tsukasa nodded his head almost dying of laughter. No matter how tough or strong Rui is, considering how much he has beaten Tsukasa in a fight, a 4 year old beats him more.

"Yep so i'm gonna be forced to cook. What do you want young lady?"

"Some ramen!!! I want ramen!!"
As if magic, ramen appeared from Rui's hand. Tsukasa was hoping the kitchen wouldn't burn down. But Rui cooked plenty of times, the first try wasn't pretty.. But he was a master now!

"Okay, we have to be careful, hot water comes at a risk! Stand back sweetheart, i'm gonna go fill some water in this ramen cup."

Rui took out the seasonings, (I think that's what it's called? I've been eating ramen for years bro how do I not know this.) Then filled up the cup with hot water, slowly and carefully.

"Where is the ramen already!!!!! I'm hungry!!!!"

"Patience sweetie!! Your dad is a bit slow but he'll get there."

Rui put in the seasonings and stirred, letting the ramen sit a bit so it wouldn't be too hot. (Not as hot as he is)

"So that's cooking with my daughter, or maybe cooking for my daughter. I also did this makeup look for my husband he looks cute guys don't you think."

"The world's star is always cute and cool and handsome!!!"

Doing a pose, the video then ended. And... Post! The posts are always a banger and go viral.

"This ramen is soooooo goooooooooooooooooood!!!!!! I'm gonna go watch dora on the tv now!!"

The girl left and Rui was reading the comments. All were "FIRST!!!" "First." "FIRSTY FIRST!!" Of course..

"Hey, we should start planning for the birthday party."

"Right.. But, we still have lots of time, right?"

"Yeah, but we should start planning soon. I rarely had a party when I was a kid, so I would want the best for her."

Rui and Tsukasa discussed for a bit, okay.. Birthday planning, start, now!

Normal Day As A Parent. /RUIKASAWhere stories live. Discover now