Rainy Day.🌦🌧🌩⛈️

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A/n : quick question! I wanna do a Bluey-esque feel to this. What do you think?? Also, I wanna reference some things about my sister and me (I have a sister lol) but can't really do that without another kid


Melodies filled the room, Tsukasa hummed a quiet song as he put Hajiro to sleep. It was raining cats and dogs, and the sound of the rain made him a bit sleepy as well. But, I digress. Kids obviously need more sleep than adults, and Tsukasa gets enough sleep anyways.

"Hmm.. Hmm hm hm... Hmm.. Hmm hmm.. Hmmmmm... Hmm hmm hmm.." The movie was on the lowest volume, and a comfortable blanket and dinosaur plushie was already on the couch. Hajiro was off to dream land, listening to Tsukasa's singing. (put it on spotify and tsukasa will be the next bill gates and jeff bezos)

"Love you sweetie. Have a good sleep." Once he was sure his daughter was sleeping, Tsukasa got up and left the room, going off to sleep as well. (Bro I am trying so hard to not sleep rn too I AM YAWNING EVERY 6 SCEONDS)

His husband knocked out on the bed, sleeping peacefully in his regular clothes. Maybe he was too busy to change into some comfy clothes, did that mean he was doing something before?

Tsukasa went to check on Rui, only to find.. Plastic wrap where Rui was sleeping..? He was sleeping and underneath was plastic wrap as big as him, and that's when Tsukasa noticed. The obvious, oil and dust on Rui. Great, he was making something and fell asleep and didn't even bother to get cleaned up.

But.. It is quite sweet how he put plastic wrap just so he wouldn't get oil on Tsukasa's favorite bedsheets. But, he couldn't dare see his husband so dirty! He had to do something.

"Forgive me for this Rui..." He silently said, picking up Rui and taking him to the bathroom. Rui was an extremely heavy sleeper, and in their school days, sometimes he didn't care if he was too late and not go to class at all. Well, before Tsukasa came along. He started caring after that.

He unbuttoned Rui's shirt, and took a look at Rui's face. Silently snoring, looking ever so adorable. Rui would argue he wasn't 'cute' or any word of that sort, but gave a slight pass to Tsukasa. After all, his husband is a pretty honest person.

Then, his pants. Tsukasa took a small tower and covered Rui's private area, and turned on the water. Not too cold, not too warm, somehow, Rui still slept. Tsukasa bathed him quietly, rubbing the soap on his harsh skin and washed away all the oil that got on him.

After the action was done, Tsukasa picked up Rui and put a robe on him, carrying him up to their room once again. He got a slight glance of Hajiro from the stairs, still sleeping soundlessly. He laughed a little, thinking what amazing deed he did to deserve such a family.

"There, Rui. I hope you're comfy now." Tsukasa put on the last remaining comfy clothes on Rui, and smiled as he brought him to bed. He removed the plastic wrap, and gently put Rui down, joining him in bed after. The still raging rain was coherent, but as long as there was Rui, he could sleep through anything.

And he fell asleep, next to Rui.

.. "Thank you, Tsukasa. I am forever grateful to be in your care." Rui whispered lovingly, and went to sleep with Tsukasa as well.

With the demon child.

Earlier.. When Tsukasa took a glance at Hajiro.

Well that was fake! Obviously, yeah she did sleep, but not for long!

'Hehehehe.. Dad and daddy are now asleep, so technically, I can watch whatever now!! Sleeping is so boring..' She changed the channel and went to watch Keisley's Baking Class, a international iconic tv series about a boy name Keisley (Hajiro pronounces it as Kei-sli) cooking and trying cultural foods from all around the world.

"Hi everyone! It's me, Keisley! And today.. Me and my friends are going to make.. Nasi goreng from Indonesia! I heard Indonesia is an amazing place." The boy said excitedly, pointing to his world map.

"Indonesia is a country in Southeast Asia, and it's apart of Asean! It is the largest country in Asean, and is deemed as an island country, with over 17 thousand islands! Fun fact, the biggest islands in Indonesia coming from top 5 are Sulawesi, Kalimantan, Papua, Sumatra, and Java!"

The show went on as Hajiro watched it, but getting more.. And more.. Sleepy.

"No.. No..! Don't fall asleep Hajiro, don't you dar-"


/With the gays, also now I'm showing their room

A classic 'rich' house with white bedsheets, pictures on the wall, closets, and more. A tv and some supplies cabinets.

Oh, that picture. The picture where Tsukasa is holding a newborn Hajiro, and Rui is bent over greeting her.

And that other one, where Hajiro is taking her first few steps, and the one on her first day of school.

With star decorations, of course.

Ah, the day Tsukasa proposed, their marriage day, and family photo.

Fun fact, did you know author has NEVER had a warm shower? That's right, they have NEVER showered with warm water, and at 5 in the morning is splashed with cold water immediately. And I became CLASS PRESIDENT, #girlboss

Anyways.. Time to get back to the actual fanfic ahem

/summary : Rui woke up and made ramen.

"Sweetheart~ I made ramen. Do you want some?" He stood over the couch, Hajiro woke up and yawned, looking at Rui with tired eyes. "Ramen..? I'm still.. Tired.. Has the rain stopped?"

"No, but it's a lot calmer now. C'mon, you sleepyhead. Hehe." Rui picked up his daughter and held her in his arms, cradling her a bit, humming the same tune.

"Wakey wakey, time to eat, a cup of ramen to fill your, tummy~!" Rui laughed and so did Hajiro, as he carried her over to the table.

(Quick a/n : Rui is a bit based off my dad because he's rlly caring and sweet like MAKING YOUR KID FOOD AT 10 PM, JUST WOW 👏👏)

"Daddy, when is dad gonna wake up? Also, yesterday, when me, Yuki, Mina-chi, and Iora were playing at school, and Mina-chi fell down. I didn't know what to do but I helped her get up.. She cried the whole day. Did I do something wrong?"

Rui paused at the question, looked at his daughter and then a wall. "Well.. Some people just don't feel good after something happens. When you lose like.. A coin, don't you feel just wrong after that? And then me and your dad cheer you up and you're happy. Maybe Mina just needs someone to cheer her up."

Hajiro took a second of consideration, and a light bulb flickered in her head as she stood up on her chair to reply to Rui. "I GET IT!! I GET IT!! AND THE-" losing balance, Hajiro fell off the chair and landed on the hard floor. Luckily not on the head, but it still was quite far.

"H-hajiro!? Are you okay sweetheart? Be careful! You could've injured yourself.." Rui ran behind the table and picked Hajiro off, checking for bruises and maybe marks. He opened his mouth to speak, "I.. I.. C'mon, let's just eat on the couch, shall we? And I'll feed you. Huh.. What's up with you and chairs.."

Once they got to the couch, Rui carefully put the ramen on the table while also making sure Hajiro was safe. After he was sure, he turned on the Tv and started playing it.

After eating..

The rain was still going, Rui and Tsukasa were cuddling on the couch (much to the hate of Hajiro) and their daughter was drawing whatever she wanted to draw. A lion, a bear? A scary Tsukasa? Yes!

"Oh, I have a call from Mafuyu. I need to take this one, be right back!" Rui kissed Tsukasa and got up, leaving the twos position. Hajiro kept on drawing, and the day was boring for the most part.

Knock knock.

Just as the knocking was heard, Rui came back from the phonecall.


A/n : I got it out faster than I usually do!!

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