school is scary. 🏫

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Being dropped of Tsukasa and picked up by Rui was stressful to say the least, especially when Rui pulled up in a black car with a black mask and a lollipop in his hand.

"Hey sweetie. Let's go home."

"Ooo.. Lollipop!! Yes please!!"

Rui picked up Hajiro and was gonna get to the car before the teacher stopped him, "hey, who are you? Just asking."

Rui turned around and then answered. "Oh, i'm her dad. Yea, I'm just picking her off. That's all."

"Huh..? I swear i saw her dad dropping her off today in the morning. Sir are you sure? I don't quite remember her father looking like you."

"Bleh.. Boring grown up talk. Daddy when are we going home!!! I miss dad and i wanna try more pancakes like you said.."

"Ah, blonde hair with pinkish to red tips?"

"Yeah, him."

"Ohhh! That's my husband sorry. Haha.. Oh, sweetheart, do you wanna say bye to any new friends you made?"

"Hmm.. I didn't make any. But i could try.."
Rui let Hajiro down as he talked to the teacher, making small talk while his daughter went to try and say goodbye.

"Wait a second.. Tenma-chan, you have 2 dads? That's weird.. Guys!! Tenma-chan has 2 dads!!"

"2 dads!? That's weird.. I have a mommy and daddy."

No one knew how mean 4 year olds could be, but what the heck!?

"I was just gonna say goodbye.. I don't have any friends right now, s-"

"No! You have 2 dads. This is a mommy and daddy club only."

"What?? That's not fair! Well.. I didn't need friends anyways! Bye!"
And with that, she left. 3 girls looked at the kids as Hajiro left, and scolded them.

"Hey!! That's not nice. Tenma-chan is new here, just because she has 2 dads doesn't mean she's weird!! You guys are mean. You guys should apologize to her tomorrow!"



"Hmm? Why are you so droopy, sweetheart? You really wanted to try the pancakes. Did something happen at school, Rui!?"

"I don't know. She was grumpy the whole ride! Did something happen sweetheart?"

No response. They all ate in a bit of silence, usually it was loud but now since the loud kid was droopy and grumpy, there was really no noise.

"Cheer up sweetheart! What happened? You can tell us anything ya know."

"Well.. The kids thought i was weird. That's all."

"Weird? Sweetheart, you're not weird at all you know."

"Yeah! Listen to your dad!! He's the best advice giver!!! ...sometimes."

"Why do they all have mommy's and daddy's? But i have two daddys?"

"Well, that's different. Finish up your dinner sweetheart, you need to be wide awake tomorrow!"


Part 1 complete.

Normal Day As A Parent. /RUIKASAWhere stories live. Discover now