A/n : ?

212 1 2

Soo I saw someone ask me so i'm gonna answer here :

I think smth like

"Is spin offs allowed?"

Yes, idm any spin offs! As long as credit is put somewhere (preferred to be in the story or Desc, and if it's on another app/website, put Alicewtnow on Ao3 OR Alice_lolz123 on Wattpad. Tho idk why an Ao3 user would be on wattpad.)

Probably specifically this book []
And what I mean by spin offs is like you make a book that is basically this book but I did not make it. Basically posting a book/chapter on this Au.

So yeahh that's my answer lmk if more questions

Also nsfw is not allowed obviously, or maybe someone just doesn't care and makes nsfw anyway and in which case idk what to do because I hate calling out things online

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