scary storms..🌦⚡

448 6 21

She screamed, the loud thunder ruptured as she hurdled under the blankets.

"So... Scary. Where is dads?"
With a blanket over her, Hajiro made her way to her parents room. It was 3 am so...

Oh no!! They were asleep.. She was hoping this was another sleepless night for her daddy, but she was incorrect!! Rui was fast asleep!

Climbing into the bed, Hajiro squished between Rui and Tsukasa for a feeling of safety ness, BOOM! More thunder.. She was scared out of her mind..!! The rain was soo loud..

"Hajiro? Sweetheart? What are you doing here?"
Thank goodness! Her dad awoke!!

"There's a storm and i'm scared.."

"Eh, a storm. Cmon, let's get some water."
Getting out of bed quietly, (they don't wanna wake Rui up) tiptoeing to the kitchen, Tsukasa poured down water in a glass and gave it to his daughter, she drank it and the kitchen was a bit darker than usual.


Tsukasa yelped at the thunder and grabbed his daughter to his and Rui's room, quickly getting under the covers and shivering.

"Was that.. More thunder!?? I'm scared dad!!"

"Okay.. Me too honestly.. But let's just hope this storm passes soon..!"

The storm kept raging on, more and more thunder! It was so scary..

..finally! Rui moved sides, so now Tsukasa can be in Rui's arms, with Hajiro following. Any comfort away from the storm!

Finally in the morning..

"Honey, why was Hajiro in our bed? She didn't sneak out of her room right?"

"Right.. So there was a storm at like 3 am and it's still going on as you can see and she woke up so she went to our room and i also got scared of the storm."

"Hah, silly. Is my ponytail okay? I feel like it's lopsided.

"Yeah it is, let me help you!!"
Tsukasa stood on a stool and 'fixed' Rui's hair, (it was not lopsided he just wanted to play with Rui's hair) Rui kept it a bit long for some reason, but Tsukasa isn't complaining.

Meanwhile in some 4 year olds room..

(❤) Hajiro
= 🌃3⃣⛈️⛈️❓❓

(💓) Mina-chi
= ✅✅✅‼️

(🤍) Yukii!!
= ✅🌇🌧🌧6⃣

(💛) Iora the cool
= ✅✅‼️‼️🏫❌❌

Rui gave the 4 rings that they could use to text each other, but with only emojis because yes. Tsukasa strongly believes no phones till a certain age, but rings don't count! And Rui bypassed that since he finds letters only a bit boring..

(❤) Hajiro
= 👨‍👨‍👧💜💛🔜🏖

(🤍) Yukii!!
= ⁉️💭🌊🌊‼️‼️

(❤) Hajiro
= ❌❌❌❌‼️‼️‼️

(💛) Iora the cool
= ❌🌊❗🏖✅

"Hey sweetheart, can i come in?"
3 knocks.

"Sure daddy!! I'm just chatting with my friends. When are we going to the beach again?"

"Soon, just be patient. Hmm, do you have any homework to do?"

"Nope!! Did it all!"
She waddled to her backpack and showed it to Rui, he clapped proudly and took a picture of the homework because yes. He uploaded it to Facebook with the caption of "my daughter is so smart she will get into Harvard one day! Beautiful piece of homework."

"Good job sweetheart!! I'm so proud of you, what would you like for breakfast?"


"Nope, sorry! You already had pancakes 3 days ago."

Hajiro frowned and tried to convince her dad to no avail, ugh!! No pancakes!?? That's rude! This should be a banger message on the ring.

(❤) Hajiro
= 🧍‍♂️❌🥞☹️

(🤍) Yukii!!
= ⁉️❌🥞⁉️

(💛) Iora the cool
= 😧😧⁉️

Rui closed the door and left, going on to make breakfast. Usually Tsukasa would, but being a good husband also means letting your partner take a break ya know?

Tsukasa was staring at one of Rui's clean sweaters, it looked really.. Ugh! Cut it out, that's your husband's, not yours. But Rui wouldn't mind, righttt?

He snuck up and quickly took the sweater, putting it on. It was definitely oversized, well yeah it's Rui's. But it looked good on him! Like any type of clothes should!

And it smelt like him.. Tsukasa smelled the clothes, it smelled just like Rui but with also a bit of him because of how often they were stuck together, not even joking they cuddled and snuggled so much Tsukasa's smell also transferred onto there.

When Rui was done with the pancakes, he almost fucking dropped them. He set them on the table and ran to Tsukasa and hugged him.

"Awh~!! So cute, Tsukasa-kun, you're so adorable with my clothes on!!"

"Agh!! Rui!!!! Get off!!"

"Tsukasa-kun!! You're so cute!!"

Rui kissed Tsukasa one too many times, as Tsukasa's face was so red, Rui thought his fever was contagious. He doesn't even have a fever!

"Rui!!! Get off!!!! I'll eat the food now!!!"
Tsukasa ran to the table, quickly taking his share of pancakes.

"Sweetheart! Breakfast is ready. Come down."

Hajiro ran down the stairs with her pretty short legs, greeted by her dads, one of them already eating.

Hajiro hugged Rui as he laughed, "haha, you know me well."

"Mmm.. The storm is still going on? Ugh!! Better end soon."

"Darling, you're not as scared as you were last night when you hurled up to me."

"Well it's 6 and you're awake so!!!"

Rui laughed and stretched his limbs, a missed call from Mizuks. Wonder what they needed. Meh, shouldn't be too important! Tomorrow is game night and it's gonna be at L/n's house because last time it was at Rui and Tsukasa's.

And this time, Rui was gonna go no mercy on Akito. The last time, Rui let him off easy on cheating. But if he spots Akito switching out the dices again, Rui is not gonna let him off easily.

Ah! Mafuyu is calling.

M : hey Rui.

R : ah! Mafuyu, how's it going?

M : haha, you know i'm older than you. I should be calling you something like.. Otouto. Maybe Rui-outo? Nah.. That sounds weird. I'm doing good so far, what about you? Are you coming to the game night?

R : yep! And i'm doing just as well. The storm is still raging on.. Me and Tsukasa as also with my daughter are having breakfast. Also, do you know why Mizuks called me?"

M : Mizuki? I don't know why they called you. Me and Kanade haven't really heard anything from the Shinonomes yet. Aside from Akito, since me and Kanade were stalking his instagram.

R : nohing from the Shinonomes? That's oddly weird. Isn't Mizuks usually doxing on discord or something?

M : yeah. I'm gonna call them soon, but i'm guessing connection is bad because of the storm. How is Hajiro? Is she doing well?

R : hmm, she's well. I never thought i'd have a daughter or even kid, but here I am. I love her so much, ya know? I wanna give her the childhood I wish I had.

M : i'm sure you're an amazing dad. Oh, I gotta go now. Bye Rui!

R : bye Mafuyu!

Mafuyu hung up and Rui smiled, Tsukasa drank his water and told Hajiro to eat a bit quicker since they would need to get ready.

'And remember young lady! No playing in the rain!'

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