Festival Time! 🎊🎉

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A/n : rui and tsukasa won't be involved TOO much kinda like shinonome centric. AKITOYA AND MIZUENA CONTENT COMING YOUR WAY AND AT THE END RUIKASA


Age : 3. (Origin story of pancakes)

"Sweetheart, don't lose us okay? If you ever get lost, scream 'there's a cannonball for tenma tsukasa!' And I'll come right away." Rui told Hajiro, maybe the 3 year old would listen.

"Okay.. No lost! Got it." Smart for words, favorite word is dinosaur. Makes sense, for the most part.

"Alright, cmon. Let's see the activities." Hajiro held onto Rui's hand, following where ever he went.

Hmm.. That's a bit boring.

That game looks fun over there! But Rui is still walking. Those candies look delicious, but no sweets. What else..?


Not even thinking twice, (can a 3 year old even do that?) Hajiro let go of Rui's hand and rushed into the other people, eyes focused on the dangling bright colored candy filled object.

"Egh..! 'Cuse me.. Just coming through.. Uwgh!" Making her way through the crowd, Hajiro got a look of the pinata, and instantly knew this was her destiny. To break that pinata open and be deemed the greatest pinata breaker!! THE BEST OF THE BEST!!

"Daddy, daddy!! Can we break the pinat- daddy?" A moment of realization hit her, her dad was no where to be found, and she ran all the way without him.


"WEEE!! NO DADDY!! I'm finally free! Now, I can do anything, and everything! I can be a doctor, a scientist, and an airplainer!!"

With Rui..

"Princess, should we- ..Hajiro?"
Rui looked downwards where Hajiro is supposed to be, but only saw an empty hand.

"Hajiro? HAJIRO??? HAJIRO!!! HAJIRO!!!!!!!!!! HAJIRO WHERE ARE YOU!!" Yelling like a maniac, Rui frantically looked aroind. No short 3 year old in sight, oh God, Tsukasa is gonna kill him, or perhaps he'd kill himself before Tsukasa would.

"HAJIRO???? Ma'am have you seen a short 3 year old, black hair with bangs and devil horns? I lost my daughter an-"

"Sorry, no."

"Alrighty..! HAJIRO?? HAJIRO!! HAJIRO! Oh my God, where is she.. Agh, I'm a terrible dad.. HAJIRO???"


"Are you crazy!? Do you think this'll fit?? Lessen that up so we don't have to pay much either!"

"What? It's just 5 pancakes! It's not too much. Plus, you have 8! Are YOU crazy??"

"Hello? This is for Mizuki too! Those 5 pancakes are all for yourself, admit it!"
The two bickered on and on about.. Pancakes. It was stupid, yes, but Ena does have a point.

"Now cmon! Ugh. You're so- ah!" Ena almost knocked all the pancakes from her plate, making Akito almost fall in the process.

When Ena came to her senses, she saw a short three year old, black hair with bangs, and devil horns, standing below her. She raised an eyebrow, putting down the plastic plates on a table. She bent down, getting near Hajiro's level.

"Hajiro? Why are you here? Where's your dad, did you lose him?"

"Nope! I got here on my own. What's that? I wanna try!!!" Hajiro pointed to the plate that Akito had, eyes sparkling with joy. Akito nervously blinked to Ena, but she just scoffed. "Oh, those are pancakes. Akito, why don't you GIVE Hajiro some? Being nice to your niece wouldn't hurt right?"

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