Chapter 3

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       Marinette carefully shifts the way she is sitting so she doesn't fall over when Luka gets up to grab his guitar. He waits until she has shifted away from him to get up and he grabs his guitar out of the basket. He sits back down with the guitar and strums a few notes, tuning the strings as he plays. Marinette listens quietly and sees Tikki poke her head out of her purse on her side to listen as well.

      Soon Luka was done tuning the guitar and he pauses, he looks at Marinette, closes his eyes and tilts his head like he is trying to listen to something. Marinette waits, wondering what it is he could be hearing, she glances at Tikki on the other side of her and they smile at each other.

      Luka's hands start to move on his guitar, he strums some notes that seem to resonate in Marinette's heart. It was like he was playing her heart strings; this went on for a while, sometimes he would play a note that didn't resonate and Luka would make a face like he could tell that it wasn't right. The tune of Marinette's heart was a melancholy one, filled with sadness and longing. A few tears leaked out of Marinette's eyes; she was surprised that Luka could hear her so profoundly even when she didn't have a lot to say. After a while the song came to a close and Luka opened his eyes and looked at her, "That was so beautiful Luka, thank you." She says.

      "You're welcome." He replied. He gently put his guitar down next to him on the curb and they just sat there thinking. The silence was surprisingly comfortable. A little more time passed, and they heard the tinkling of a bell and the opening of a door, "Marinette, are you coming inside soon? Dinner is ready." Marinette and Luka turned around in surprise, Sabine, Marinette's mom was standing by the bakery door. "Oh, yeah mom, I'll be right there", she replied and started to stand up.

      "Hello again Luka," Sabine said warmly, "Would you like to stay for dinner?" Luka stood up with Marinette and replied to Sabine, "I appreciate the offer Mrs. Dupain-cheng, but I am bringing these pizza's home for my mom and sister." He says gesturing to the pizza boxes on his bike. "Oh okay honey, well you get home safe and say hello to your mom for me." Says Sabine. He smiles at her and nods his head. He turns his focus back to Marinette, "I'm glad that we could spend some time together, if you ever need someone to talk to Marinette, I'm always here for you."

      "I know Luka, thank you." Marinette replies, she hugs him and catches him by surprise, but it only takes him half a second to respond to the hug and hug her back. Suddenly, it was like Marinette could feel a shift in their friendship, a deeper connection than what was there before. He felt so warm pressed against her in the cool night air. Reluctantly, she pulled away from him, feeling a sudden loss of warmth. Briefly, she saw a flicker of pain on Luka's face, like he didn't want to let her go, but just as quickly he rearranged his face into his signature kindhearted smile. "Goodnight Marinette." He said to her.

"Goodnight Luka." 

A Lukanette Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now