Chapter 9

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       Marinette woke up a couple of hours later feeling a little disoriented, she looked around wondering where she was and then remembered that she was on the houseboat. She looked around for Luka and could hear some light guitar strumming outside. She looked around to see if Juleka or her mom Anarka was nearby, but didn't see them. She gets up and makes her way up the stairs and outside the houseboat, she sees Luka sitting on a chair with his guitar, he notices her and smiles.

       "Did you sleep alright Marinette?" He asks kindly, "Yeah, I did thanks." She replies blushing a little bit. "How are you feeling?" He asks. "I'm feeling a lot better," she replies. She opens her purse to look for her phone and then frowns not seeing it. "Where's my phone?" she mutters.

       Luka hears her say that and gets up, "I'm sorry, I forgot to put your phone near you, your friends were texting you while you slept, worried about you. So I used your phone to let them and your parents know that you were okay. Wait here, I'll go grab it." He says to her and walks back down to the living room and a few seconds later he is back with her phone. "Here you go, sorry about that." Marinette blushes again and says "Thank you." Luka smiles warmly at her.

       "I should be heading home now, I didn't think I was going to sleep long enough for it to be dark." Marinette says feeling embarrassed. Luka looks at her sheepishly, "I didn't feel like it was right to wake you, you had a rough day. I just wanted you to have some peace before returning back to normal life." He says with a slight blush. "It's okay," replies Marinette, "It was very thoughtful of you." She smiles gratefully at him.

       "Would you like a ride back to your house? It'll be faster than walking," Luka says. Marinette nods her head yes and they make their way over to where his bicycle is. Luka hands Marinette a helmet and then puts his own on and then puts his guitar in the bike basket.

       He never goes anywhere without his guitar; he never knows when the mood is going to strike him to play a song. So, they get on his bike, and he pedals her home.

       He wants to tell Marinette that he knows her secret, that she doesn't have to be as alone as she thinks she is. But, he feels like maybe not today, maybe tomorrow. Seeing her reaction to whatever Adrien said worried Luka, he didn't want to give her another thing to deal with. He knows it'll be a shock and he cares about her too much to freak her out, on this already emotional day for her.

So he drops her off, bids her goodnight and bikes back home. 


A/N - Again, sorry for the short chapter, but we are getting there, slowly but surely. Just stay patient my darlings! Please feel free to comment and like! 

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