Chapter 11

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       Monday dawns bright and early and Marinette groans as her alarm for school rings her awake. She reaches out and hits the snooze and falls back to sleep, five minutes later it goes off again. She goes to hit it again and hears Tikki in her ear, "Don't Marinette or you are going to be late for school!" That makes Marinette wake up, she hurries to get dress and grabs all her stuff, and rushes to eat some breakfast and runs to school. She just makes it into Mrs. Bustiers barely on time and makes her way over to her seat next to Alya. "You cut it close again girl." Alya says to Marinette as she sits down, "I know, I just didn't feel like getting up." Marinette says to her.

       Nino, Alya's boyfriend and best bud to Adrien turns around in his seat to face the girls, Adrien also does the same, Marinette's heart flutters nervously as Adrien looks at her and smiles. "Good morning, Marinette, did you sleep well?" He asks kindly, she nods her head yes, surprised that she is actually feeling okay around him. Just then Mrs. Bustier walks in and class begins.

       The rest of the day went pretty good for Marinette, she could talk and laugh with Adrien like a normal person. Alya was impressed, as was Nino, that Marinette was being semi normal, Adrien on the other hand was acting like he was a little uncomfortable. He knows that he and Marinette agreed to only be friends right now, but he does still like her and wishes that he could help her with whatever difficulty she is facing.

       When school ended for the day Luka showed up to pick up his sister Juleka, surprising everyone including Juelka, "What's he doing here?" She says in her quiet mumble voice. Luka walks over to the group of friends, mainly to check on Marinette but not wanting to seem obvious about it, "Hey Jules, need a ride home?" He asks kindly holding out his spare helmet. "Um, no, I was planning on staying to do some homework with Rose." She replies, her soft mumble making her sound shy. "Oh okay, just thought I'd offer," he says and then shifts his gaze to Marinette, "What about...." Before he can finish his sentence there is a sound like an explosion, phones and Alliance rings start going off with "AKUMA ALERT, AKUMA ALERT!"

       Everyone scatters to take shelter and Marinette slips away to transform. She meets up with Chat Noir on a roof a couple of miles away. "Perfect timing M'lady" he says to her, she smiles at him, "Hello Kitty, what are we dealing with today?"

(Later after the fight, dekumatization and miraculous ladybugs)

       "You know, it would just be easier if we could try and fight Monarch head on again, just get it over with, you know? Either he gets our jewels or not, either way someone would get all the Miraculouses and things would be done." Huffed Chat Noir, Ladybug nods her agreement. Their jewelry starts to beep, "Good work today Chat Noir, see you later! Bug out!" Ladybug says and swings her way back to school and makes sure no one is around to see her de-transform.

      She hurries back out to the courtyard as Marinette and rejoins her friends who are back there with Luka, "Phew, I'm glad that you guys are safe, that seemed like a very bad akuma." She says to them. They all nodded and discussed what to do next. Luka walks over to Marinette, "Can I give you a ride home?" He asks her. She blushes slightly and says yes, she says goodbye to her friends and walks with him to his bike. They put on their helmets and he takes her home.

       Before Marinette can finish getting off Luka's bike, he takes a breath and speaks. "Marinette, can we talk?"



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