Chapter 5

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       Ladybug makes her way back to her homes balcony and makes sure no one is around so she can de-transform back into Marinette. She de-transforms and goes back into her room, she plops down into her desk chair and gives Tikki a cookie to regain her strength. "It was pretty quiet out there tonight Tikki, it makes me nervous." Tikki nods her head as she keeps eating her cookie, "Just appreciate the quiet night Marinette," Tikki says to her after finishing her cookie. 

       Marinette sighs and nods her head, "Yeah, you're right Tikki, I need to appreciate the quiet moments." She closes her eyes and tries to relax; she hears her phone ding. She opens her eyes and looks at her phone, there are a couple of texts from Alya and one from Luka. Her heart flutters a little bit seeing that Luka texted her.

Marinette opens her messages nervously, deciding to look at Alya's texts before Luka's.

Alya: Hey girl, are you doing okay?

Alya: Girl, I just heard from Juleka that you hung out with her brother this evening?? Need details A.S.A.P!

Marinette giggled at her nosy bestie. She typed a response:

Marinette: It wasn't planned, I took a walk outside today and he just happened to pass by where I sitting after I was done walking. I was feeling upset about my love life and my failed duties as "you know who" and he just happened to show up and comfort me. I didn't really even tell him anything, he was just there for me.

Alya responded right away, just as Marinette expected.

Alya: Awww!! Girl, he still likes you!!

Marinette: *sigh* I know but what can I do about it? The reason we had to stop seeing each other before is because I can't tell him who I really am. I don't want to make the same mistake twice and hurt him again.

Alya: If it's meant to be, it'll work itself out, to be honest I still think he is healthier for you than Adrien or Chat Noir. At least with Luka, you can talk to him, without freaking out.

Marinette: I know, I like that I can feel normal with him.

Marinette sighs, unsure of what else to say, she leaves it at that. Not sure if Alya will be able to come up with a response to that, she decides it's time to look at what Luka had texted her.

Luka: Hey Marinette, I just wanted to say that I had a nice time with you today. I was thinking that maybe we could hang out again after the rehearsal of Kitty Section tomorrow. Let me know your thoughts, thanks.

Marinette felt the flutter of butterflies in her stomach again. She screenshotted the message and sent it to Alya.

Marinette: What do I do?? It's not like I don't want to hang out with him, but with my luck there will be an akuma attack and I'll be leaving him high and dry again.

Alya: Girl, just breathe. The girls and I will help you to have that hang out with him, and if there is an akuma attack you might have to make an excuse or act like you're panicking and get separated from the group. I'll help your disappearance seem real.

Marinette: Thanks, but I still feel like I'm lying to him, I hate it.

Alya: You gotta do what feels right in your heart. You'll figure it out, I have faith in you. For now just tell him yes.

Marinette sighs, feeling uncertain, but wanting to see him, she responds to his message.

Marinette: I would love to hang out with you again. Tomorrow after rehearsal sounds great. I'll see you then.

Luka responds much faster than Marinette expects, and she hopes that he wasn't waiting by the phone for her response.

Luka: That makes me so happy to hear. See you tomorrow.

       Marinette decides it's time to call it a night. She changes into her pajamas and crawls into bed. "Goodnight Tikki." She says, Tikki fly's over and gives Marinette a hug on her face, "Goodnight Marinette." Tikki says and settles herself on Marinette's pillow. They both fall asleep quickly. 

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