Chapter 15

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       A few weeks had passed by and everyday Marinette and Luka have been growing closer to each other, much to Adrien's dismay. It's not like he could be upset with Luka, Luka has been reaching out to him and checking in on him, which was nice. But, what Adrien doesn't understand is why Marinette let Luka in on whatever has been going on with her.

       Adrien doesn't mean to be jealous, but he is.

       "Plagg, I don't understand why she won't confide in me. I mean, she use to be in love with me and now that I feel the same, she runs away from her feelings. I just don't get it." Adrien says feeling a little hurt and confused. Plagg, Adrien's cat kwami, sighs sadly, he and Tikki have discussed it and both of them agreed that their holders shouldn't get close to each other until Monarch is defeated.

       "I don't know what to tell you Adrien, all I can say is have patience. Maybe Luka is just who she needs right now. What you should focus on is keeping me stocked in cheese and maybe helping Ladybug figure out who Monarch is." Says Plagg.

       Adrien sighs and thinks about what Plagg said, not about the cheese thing but about figuring out who Monarch is. He knows everyone's lives will be better once Monarch is defeated, but it seems like it is a lot of work to get there.

       Adrien groans, this is usually Ladybugs job, but he realizes that maybe he needs to try and step up as a partner, he knows that she has been overwhelmed lately.

       Adrien checks the time; he could ask her while they are on patrol. "Plagg, claws out!" He calls out and transforms. He meets up with Ladybug several roofs away, "Good evening M'lady," he purrs out, "Hello kitty cat," She replies with a smile.

       Good thing they were on patrol, there was an akuma attack. They handled it and finally made it back to a different roof to rest.

       Now was Chat Noirs chance, "Hey Ladybug, I was wondering if I could do anything extra to help us uncover Monarchs identity a little faster." He says her.

       She looks at him with surprise and smiles, "Actually Chat that would be great, I have already started a flow chart with observations and theories, I could make a copy for you, if you would like. Then you would be able add your own observations and stuff to it, and then we could discuss it later." She says, hope lighting her face.

       Chat internally cringes in surprise; he wasn't actually sure if he was serious about helping, but the look on her face convinced him that helping would be the right thing to do.

       He nodded his head and then their jewelry started to beep, "I'll make a copy tonight and bring it to you on the next patrol, kitty cat. See you later! Bug out!" Ladybug says and slingshots away.

      Chat Noir makes it back to his room and de-transforms, he gives Plagg a piece of his favorite smelly cheese.

      Adrien paces his room while he thinks about things.

       Plagg watches his holder while he eats his cheese and wonders what he is thinking about. "What are you thinking about Adrien?" Plagg asks. Adrien looks up, "I'm thinking I should start making a list of observations and then see if they are the same as what Ladybug has observed." He says as he makes his way over to his desk, sits in his chair, grabs paper and a pen and starts writing things down and writes well into the night. 


A/N - I know it's taking a while to get to the good stuff ;)  but it'll get there.   :) 

Love y'all!

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