Chapter 21

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A/N - So sorry that I took so long to write! I was getting writers block so hard, but I finally completed this chapter, it's short, but the next chapters should be easier to write now! Thanks for your support and patience, love y'all!!


       Marinette woke up the next day to her phone dinging and beeping like crazy, she grabbed it and saw that there were a few messages from her friends, but currently, it was Alya blowing up her phone with messages. She opened her messages and saw the picture of her and Luka napping in his bed together, Juleka sent the photo out.

Alya: GIRL!

Alya: GIRLLL!!



       And that one was sent just a minute ago, Marinette quickly calls her because texting everything would take too much time.

       Alya picks up the phone on the first ring, "GIRL, EXPLAIN WHAT IS GOING ON!" She shouts in greeting. Marinette laughs, "Well, good morning to you too." She says to Alya, she hears her friend take a deep breath to calm down.

       "Sorry, sorry, good morning. I'm just really excited for you. You and Luka? I need the details!" Alya says excitedly. Marinette responds, "There isn't much to tell, Luka invited me to hang out yesterday and he played some music, then we sat and talked."

       "And I..uh..I.. told Luka that I still like him." Marinette says quickly and hears Alya gasp, "YOU DID WHAT?" Alya shouts into the phone. Marinette flinches away from her phone and rubs her ear, "Ow, Alya."

       "Sorry, but what did he say?? Does he feel the same??" Alya asks eagerly, "He still has feeling for me too, I'm not sure what we are doing or where we are going but I want to follow my heart and pursue this with him. The fact that he knows my secret makes this so much better too. I don't have to hide or worry about breaking a date if there is an akuma attack, he'll understand me needing to leave and it's such a relief to even think about it." Says Marinette, feeling bubbly talking about it.

       Marinette could hear Alya squealing over the phone in happiness for her, "Aww GIRL, I'm so happy for you!!" Squeals Alya, "Okay, but tell me, the ending up in bed together, what was that?" Alya asks.

       Marinette blushes even though Alya can't see it, she explains the hugging and them falling backwards and Luka inviting her to cuddle with him and then how they fell asleep and woke up to Juleka creeping around taking pictures of them. Alya laughed nervously. "Yeah, sorry, you know how I get, wanting pictures of everything." Alya says.

       "It's weird Alya, seriously. I would like some privacy, please leave my romantic life alone when it comes to pictures." Marinette says. "Alright girl, I understand." Replies Alya.

       "So what do you have going on today?" Alya asks. "I have an early patrol with Chat Noir so we can discuss our observations about Monarch and where he might be." Says Marinette. "Oh okay, good luck girl," says Alya. "Talk to you later?" Marinette asks. "Of course!" Replies Alya. They say goodbye and Marinette goes down for breakfast.

       The morning passes by quickly, Marinette finishes some homework, Luka texts her just to say hello, making her smile. She checks the time and sees that it is time for early patrol with Chat Noir, she grabs her observation poster, transforms, and puts it in her bug phone so she doesn't lose it. She meets up with Chat Noir on a roof a few miles away and they do patrol.

       They finish and make their way to Fu's old place and enter. Ladybug is flooded with memories of her time with the master and feels nostalgia.

       They make their way to a table and pull out their posters to compare notes. Ladybug was impressed with Chat Noirs observations. She was surprised to see Gabriel Agreste listed as suspicious and Natalie listed with a question mark.

       "Haven't we already tried and ruled out Mr. Agreste as a suspect?" Ladybug asks Chat. "Yes, but him and Ms. Tsurugi both would have access to the Alliance rings data and your story said that right after accidentally holding one while fighting another akuma, you got attacked again. That was when we fought Darker Owl, right? So something seems strange. I was thinking we could ask Adrien to help us and ask Mr. Agreste's assistant Natalie about what she knows." Says Chat Noir.

       Ladybug starts shaking her head no, "It's too dangerous to ask Adrien to go snooping for information for us." She says, "Plus it would hurt him if he did find something out about his dad or his friend's mom, we can't ask him to do that." Ladybug says and shakes her head sadly.

       Chat Noir makes a face while he thinks, Ladybug did have a point, it would be awful to find out that his dad or Kagami's mom were bad people. But if it meant saving Paris and the people he loves and cares about. He feels like it is his duty to bring peace and justice, even if it meant bringing down his father. "But what if Adrien wants to help, knowing that it is for the good of Paris, shouldn't he be allowed that option?" Asks Chat Noir.

       Ladybug shakes her head no again, "I understand what you are saying Chat Noir, but it still is dangerous, I've heard the rumors about his home life. One wrong move and his dad could forbid him from ever leaving his house again. Adrien would be a prisoner in his own home, we can't ask him to do this, we'll have to find another way." Ladybug says sadly.

       Chat noir nods his head in understanding, she wasn't wrong, his dad threatens often to forbid him from leaving home.

       They discussed a few more things and then decided to call it a day. Ladybug was sad that they didn't come up with more helpful information but was intrigued about looking into the Alliance rings data and where it gets stored. She might have to do some online research and recon as Ladybug. But for now, she was going to do what she always does, protect the city and its people.

       Ladybug and Chat Noir said their goodbyes and headed off to their respective homes. 


A/N - Thanks for reading! More chapters to come! Love y'all!

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