Chapter 31

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The next two weeks pass by quickly. We'd been left alone by everyone and we certainly enjoyed it the quality time together.

My Uncle's and Nonno only rang once to check up on me, but I'm certain they've been harassing the guards instead.

The guards are around the estate 24/7, and it helps to know that they are always there -though I know that Ares wouldn't let anything happen to me - I trusted him go keep me safe no matter what.

We'd learnt loads about each other over the last fourteen days, and I felt closer to him than I ever had with anyone else before; even Micha.

Tonight's the last night before everything goes back to normal, Ares needs to go back to work, and I need to go see my family. I've missed not having them around me.

I'd made a simple chicken korma from scratch for our dinner and we sat eating it out in the garden in the dying sunlight - I'd outdone myself because damn this curry was good!! - Ares seemed to agree too because he went back for seconds. When we'd finished eating we cleaned up together and got ready for bed.

"Cara? You okay?" Ares asks me as I snuggle up against him once we've settled into bed.

"Yeah, why?" I ask him confused.

He shrugs at me and kisses my forehead. "Nothing I just wanted to make sure," he replied softly. "You know my offer to work with me is still on the table right? I don't want you to be stuck in the house bored while I'm at work."

I sigh and snuggle closer, "I'll be fine baby, I'll find something to keep me occupied, plus I'm going to be visiting my family a lot too, I really miss them."

I feel him nod, and relax in his arms content.

The next morning Ares wakes me getting out of bed. "Uh, what time is it?," I grumble. "It's still dark out."

Ares chuckles at me and leans down for a kiss. "Sleep cara. It's five a.m, I need to get ready for work." He tells me softly. "I'll ring you later, I love you Bella, take care while I'm gone, okay?"

"Okay. I'll miss you."

"I'll miss you too cara, see you later."

I roll over and burrow deeper under the still warm sheets on Ares's side, inhaling his intoxicating scent in greedily. I can hear Ares moving about getting ready as I fall back to sleep.

I wake up still feeling groggy and reach over for my phone to check the time. Wincing at the bright glare, I see that it's already 11.30a.m. I notice two missed calls from Ares already and one from Antonio, probably both wondering where I am.

Getting up I frown at how dark it is outside, and see the sky overcast with dark storm clouds that don't look too clever -I hated thunder. I've been scared for as long as I can remember- and hope it doesn't today.

Going and grabbing a set of random clothes from our closet, I go take a shower feeling like I'm hungover. My heads pounding, and my stomach feels awful.

Once I was finally clean I headed down to the kitchen to grab a small breakfast. I felt hungry, but decided on just getting something light, settling for toast, not wanting to push my stomach.

"Mrs Giovanno, good morning," our chef said happily seeing me.

"Morning Frédéric," I tell him quickly and get back to eating my toast eagerly.

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