Chapter 61

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Entering the room everyone is already sat and waiting for us. The attorney, a small, brown haired man smiled at us and waved us over to an empty sofa next to the one Ivan and Xeres were seated.

Walking past Amelia she sneers nastily at me making me want to smash her scrawny face in. Instead I just ignore her and take a seat next to Maddox feeling proud at my self control.

"We are gathered here today to here the will and testemant of Margarite Mia Salvador. She left a specific reading and had stated that she wishes there to be no arguments, what's done is done. She also states there will be no contesting it either." He looks at us all and we nod in understanding. Amelia had a sour look on her face but she too nodded not looking happy about it.

The attorney steps forward and places a dvd into the player and starts it, dad and Maddox each grab my hand tightly. Seeing her face on the screen makes my stomach hurt and my throat tight. I just want to grab her through the screen and hold on tight.

"To my son's Antonio, Xeres, Ivan and Dante I leave the sum of €100,000 to each of you. To my brothers Vincent and Giovanni I leave you the family heirlooms I inherited when momma died. To Amelia I leave you €2000 and pray that you'll buy a few things for your son with it. To Isabella I leave the rest of my money and my villa here in Italy. Isabella I wish for you to not sell it, and keep it for your beautiful daughters for when they come of age. I also leave you all of my diaries and jewellery that you wish to keep. To Liandro I leave you the villa in Rome and Paris knowing that you'll get more use out of them than I ever did.

I want you all to know I love each and everyone of you and I'll miss you dearly. To my boys, be brave and stick together. Remember family is everything so look out for each other. To Isabella, meeting you when I did gave me purpose to carry on living. I knew of the illness in my stomach from the begining and knew there was no cure. When you fell pregnant I couldn't wait to see my great grandchildren born and you made me so proud with how you coped with the blows during and afterwards. I hope you can all forgive me for not telling you how Ill I was and I'm so glad I got to die in my own way. I love you all. Margarite."

It's silent as the attorney steps up and takes the dvd out placing it safely in his briefcase. Nobody says anything and I'm glad because I'm still in shock. Dear Lord why did nonna leave me the rest of her money? And the villa, too!

"This is bullshit!" Amelia finally jumps up looking pissed. "Why the hell does that bitch get nearly everything and I get a measly two grand?" She screeches pointing at me.

"Amelia sit down and shut the fuck up." Giovanni roars at her causing her to freeze. "Your nonna wished it so, and that's what is going to happen. Sit down and just be quiet you disrespectful girl."

He looks over at me and smiles slightly before getting up and grabbing Amelia and her son as he left. "You should be lucky to get anything after the way you treated her." We heard him tell her as they left.

"Isabella?" The attorney suddenly asks me. "I'm Paulo Stervas your Nonna's attorney, I'd like to talk to you about her estate that she's left to you. Do you want to go somewhere private?" He asks me gently.

"Uhm no, no here's good." I mumble quickly and cling onto dad and Maddox's hand tighter.

"Wait." Dad says suddenly. "Can she do this another day, maybe tomorrow just to let her get her head around it?" Dad asks him.

"Absolutely." He replies nodding. "I'll come see you here tomorrow then, say after lunch?"

"That will be fine, thank you." Dad says to him and stands to let him out.

"Baby? Talk to me, you okay?" Maddox asks me leaning down and pulling me closer.

Turning to him I nod dazedly. I hear a lot of shuffling and look up to see Vincent and nonno talking to each other.
Dante is sat staring at me and Maddox making me uneasy.
Ivan and Xeres seem to have noticed it too, and have moved closer to me instinctively. Dad comes back in looking tired, but stiffens up noticing Dante and my little standoff and sighs loudly getting nonno's attention.

"What's going on?" Dad asks looking at Xeres.

"I think Amelia's right." Dante shouts loudly startling us as he stands up. "Why should she get it all? She doesn't deserve it." He growls out.

Dad glares at him. "And you do. Is that it? Mamma wanted it this way Dante so shut up and get out. You are no longer welcome here."

"Fine. Fuck you all." He shouts afain storming out.

I sit there shaking my head. What a fûcking dick.

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