Coming Home

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Chapter 2
(9 months later )
Rachels pov :
It's been 9 months since Sam's death and now I've decided to come home to Lima Ohio where I grew up . I'm excited to be able to come home again and see everyone however Andrew and Alex are mad because they have to leave their friends. "Boys welcome to Lima , Ohio. " I said. They rolled their eyes , "It smells like  stinky fish. " Andrew my oldest complained . "Yeah... Fish." Alex studdered . "Look I know its not like Manhattan but I think you'll both like it here. " I told them . "Why just because you grew up here ?" Andrew com plained. "Watch it and no . Lima is a special place and when I lived here I knew people that made me better as a person and you will too. " I told him . "Whatever. " He snarled as we made the turn.

Finns pov :

" Danny , Sawyer, Peyton, its time for Lunch !" I yelled to my three girls. "Coming!" They all yelled simultaneously. 1 minute later they all rushed down stairs and my youngest Peyton jumped into my arms and said , "Hi daddy. " I smiled . "Hey bug . " I said. "Whats for lunch? " She asked me. I smiled, "Your favorite. " I told her . "Pizza !" She said excitedly. "How did you know ?" I asked sarcastically and then put her on my shoulders and went into the kitchen. "Alright girls, here's the pizza!" I said and before I could put it down they all grabbed a slice and ran to their rooms except for Peyton . "Girls!" I yelled. "Sorry dad got to study!" They both yelled . I sighed and sat down across from Peyton . "Well Pey , looks like its just you and me . " I told her . "Thats okay daddy I love you so much." She said. I smiled, "Atleast someone does. " I told her . She chuckled and then I said, "Promise me you'll stay as little for as long as you can . " I told her . "As long as you promise to let me have ice cream for dinner . " She said. I laughed , "Deal . " I told her and we shook hands . A couple minutes later a moving truck came in across the street . "Whats that ?" Peyton asked . "I don't know why don't we go check it out . " I told her . "Okay. " She said and we went out side.

Rachels pov :
I pulled up to the big white house and parked the car as the boys got out and rush into the house. "Mrs.Evans where should I put this ?" The delivery guy asked . "Just put all the boxs in the living room ." I told him and off he went . I took a deep breath and breathed in the fresh Lima air and then someone said , "Rachel? "

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