I love you

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Chapter 15
(That night )
Rachels pov :
I was in the living room watching tv with the boys when the door bell rang. I got up and saw it was Finn and I opened the door. "Finn what are you doing here ?" I asked him. "Can we talk? " He asked. "Sure . " I said and I grabbed my coat and stepped outside closing the door . "Everything okay?" I asked as we sat on the porch. "Yeah I just wanted to apoligize for what happened earlier with Cece , I know that you must've felt ambushed . " He said. "No , no don't apoligize. " I said. "No really I want you to know that her being here doesn't change how I feel about you and it definitely doesn't change our relationship. " He said. "But doesn't it , I mean Finn your ex wife is back here and who knows how long she might stay . " I said. "Listen to me Rachel, I don't care about Cece all I care about is you and the kids . You make our lives so much happier and I know we've been only dating for four month but it doesn't matter because I love you and your the one I want to be with . " He told me . I smiled, "You just said you love me . " I told him . "I do. " He said with a smirk. I smiled and said, "I love you too. " I told him . He smiled and leaned in and kissed me passionatley.

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