Kidnapped part 2

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Chapter 23
Rachels pov :
I was driving following Peyton and Celia for about 3 hours now when they finally stopped so I pulled into an ally and turned to Andrew and Alex , "Alex I need you to call Finn and tell him where we are and that Celia has Peyton. Andrew I need you to call 911 and tell them where we are and that we need cops and ambulance. " I said. "Mom whats going on ?" Andrew asked me. "Celia has Peyton . " I said. I then opened the door and said , "Whatever you do don't get out of the car till the cops get here. " I said and then got out of the car and locked the door . I slowly walked into the abandoned ware house and hid behind a big crate . I saw Peyton tied up in a chair but Celia was no where to be seen. I then came out and Peyton said, "Rachel ! " I ran to her quickly and untied her and she leaped into my arms , "Did she hurt you are you okay ? " I asked. "I'm fine." She told me . "Good now lets get out of here. " I said and picked her up and started to walk when someone said , "Not so fast man hands . " I turned around and standing there was Celia with a gun pointed me and Peyton . "Celia , please put the gun down and we can talk about this . " I said. She came closer and I back up , "There is no talking about this Rachel you took everything from me , my kids , my husband. " She said. "I didn't take them from you, you left them. But doing this won't help so please put the gun down and just go. " I said. "No!" She yelled and then pulled the triger and missed I put Peyton down quicey and said , "Run Peyton !" And she ran . "Why are you doing this ?" I asked her. "Because of you ! " She said and then threw a punch knocking me on the ground . "Come on!" She yelled. "Get up and fight! " She yelled at me. I got up and touched my jaw . "Ouch, " I said, "That really hurt ." I said sarcastically. "Good . " She said. "You're really bad a sarcasm you know that . " I said and then punched her in the face and ran away quickly. I ran behind two crates just to hide from her , "Come out , come out wherever you are Peyton and Rachel. " She said. "Come and find me !" I yelled and started to run again. I was almost out when Cece cut me off and held me at gun point , "Don't do this Cece think of your children . " I said. "I am , I'm thinking that once I kill you , I'll kill Peyton , your kids , Sawyer , Danny and finally Finn I'll take away everything you love . Now let start with you . " She said. Just as I thought that this was the end Finn came up behind her and said , "Get the fuck away from my girlfriend. " and then hit her with a gun knocking her out . He dropped the gun and ran to me hugging me . I started to cry histarically, "Thank god you're here. " I said hugging him tightly. "Are you alright where's Peyton? " He asked. "I'm right here !" She yelled and ran to him , "Oh Peyton, thank god you're okay I don't know what I would've done if something happened to you. " He said hugging her in his arms . "Rachel saved me daddy . " She said. He smiled at me and then said , "I love you. " He told me . I smiled but then I noticed Cece picked up gun and point it at Peyton. "Peyton ! " I yelled and pushed her and Finn out of the way just as she pulled the triger , "BAM!" And before I knew it the police came barging in and said "Police put your hands up!" One of them yelled.

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