Kidnapped part 1

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Chapter 22
Finns pov :
I walked out side to see Peyton was gone I suddenly went into panic mode "Peyton! " I yelled but no answer. "Peyton !" I yelled again going around the back but she wasn't there . I checked everywhere and then it became clear , Celia kidnapped her .

Celia's pov :
It's be about an hour since I took Peyton now we can live a life together as a family. "WHERE ARE YOU TAKING ME !" Peyton yelled . "I'm taking you home with me. " I said. "Your not my mom Rachel is she my daddy will find me and lock you away!" She yelled. "Yeah well then how come she leave you . " I said. "Because you made her . " She said . "Whatever no one will ever find us where were going and you'll be mine forever. " I said. "No my Mommy and Daddy will find me !" She yelled. "Shut up!" I said. I then looked down at the gas tank and saw I was almost out of gas . "Shit. " I said and then took a left to a gas station I got out of the car and said , "Listen you little brat I'll be right back . So don't even think about escaping because I'm locking the door . " I said I then got out and locked the car leaving her in there.

Rachels pov :
I pulled up to a gas station because I was out of gas . "I'll be right back . " I told the boys . I walked in and then saw someone who look familiar at the counter. It was Celia . What is she doing here ? I asked myself. She looked suspicious so I payed for the gas and followed her out to her car but instead of confronting her I got into mine and watched her as she got in. "Mom whats going on ?" Andrew asked. "Shhh...." I said. She then started up her car and drove off quickly and then I saw Peyton she was in the back sit banging on the window . "Peyton!" I yelled. I started up my car and then followed them .

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