Be Okay

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Chapter 24
Finns pov :
"Rachel !" I yelled and ran to her just as the cops came in with an ambulance. I held her head and said, "Oh my god you're bleeding . " I said. "Finn , is Peyton okay?" I asked. "Shes okay . " I told her . She started to close her eyes ,"Rachel , keep your eyes open. " I told her. "I'm trying. " She said. The ambulance ran over to her and lifted her up , "Where are you taking her ?" I asked them . "Saint Marys Hospital. " they told me . I picked Peyton up and we followed them out to the ambulance truck . "Mom !" Andrew yelled as they ran out of the car and ran to her "Mom are you going to be okay?" Andrew asked . "I'm okay sweetheart. " She said weakly. "Finn . " She said. "I'm here Rachel . " I said holding her hand, "I love you . " She said softly. "I love you too . " I said and they lifted her up into the truck , "I'll meet you at the hospital. " I said and they shut the doors and drove off. "Is she going to be okay ?" Asked Alex. "Your mom is a super hero she'll be fine . " I said. I hope. I ran into the hospital with the boys and Peyton . "Rachel Berry , I'm here to see Rachel Berry . " I said to the receptionist . "She's in surgery sir she'll be out soon . " She told us. "How soon ?" I asked. "Soon just be patient. " She told me and walked away .

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